
What does the name Christy mean? What is the meaning of the name Christy

Meaning of Christy: Name Christy in the Scottish, यूनानी (ग्रीक) origin, means A Christianity; follower of Christianityity religion. Name Christy is of Scottish, यूनानी (ग्रीक) origin and is a Boy name. People with name Christy are usually Christianity by religion.

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A Christianity; follower of Christianityity religion
1 word with 7 characters
Pythagorean Numerology
Indian Vedic Numerology
Nakshatra (Birth Star)
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Meaning and Origin

Meaning and Origin
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Example: Arun of Sanskrit origin - [ अरुण ]

Example: Arun of Sanskrit origin - [ ARR-UHN ]


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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Christy: A Christianity; follower of Christianityity religion

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Famous people with name Christy (Namesakes)

  1. Christy Smith (politician)

    Christy Smith (born May 15, 1969) is an American politician serving as the California State Assemblywoman for the 38th district since 2018.

  2. Christy Martin (boxer)

    Christy Renea Martin (born June 12, 1968) is a former American world champion boxer and currently the CEO of Christy Martin Promotions.

  3. Christy Carlson Romano

    Christy Carlson Romano (born March 20, 1984) is an American actress and singer.

  4. Christy Canyon

    Christy Canyon (born June 17, 1966) is a retired pornographic actress and American radio personality.

  5. Christy Turlington

    Christy Nicole Turlington Burns (born January 2, 1969) is an American model, charity-founder and campaigner, and filmmaker.

  6. Christy Moore

    Christopher Andrew "Christy" Moore (born 7 May 1945) is an Irish folk singer, songwriter and guitarist.

  7. Christy Hemme

    Christina Lee Hemme (born October 28, 1980) is an American professional wrestling valet, ring announcer, singer and retired professional wrestler and model.

  8. Richard Christy

    Thomas Richard Christy Jr. (born April 1, 1974) is an American drummer, radio personality and actor, best known for being the former drummer for several heavy metal bands since the early 1990s, most notably Death, and his tenure on The Howard Stern Show.

  9. Christy Chung

    Christy Chung (born 19 September 1970) is a Canadian actress and restauratrice.

  10. Lauren Christy

    Lauren Christy (born 19 November 1967) is an English singer, songwriter and record producer.

  11. Christy Walton

    Christy Ruth Walton (née Tallant; born February 8, 1949) is the widow of John T. Walton, one of the sons of Sam Walton, the founder of Walmart.

  12. Christy Dignam

    Christy Dignam is the lead singer of the popular Irish rock band Aslan.

  13. Christy Knowings

    Christy Lorraine Knowings (born February 25, 1980) is an American actress, comedian, musician, model, writer, and dancer who served three seasons on the Nickelodeon sketch-comedy series, All That (where she replaced Alisa Reyes in 1997 and was replaced by Giovonnie Samuels in 2002).

  14. Paul Christy
    For the American voice actor named Paul Christy, see Moose A. Moose and Nick in the Afternoon, two of Christy's best known works.

    Paul Christy (born Paul Christerson on March 20, 1939) is a former professional wrestler known mainly for his work in the National Wrestling Alliance and International Championship Wrestling as well as a stint in the World Wrestling Federation in the mid-1980s.

  15. Christy Altomare

    Christine "Christy" Altomare is an American actress and singer-songwriter.

  16. Christy Nockels

    Christy Lynette Nockels (née Hill, born November 17, 1973) is a singer-songwriter of contemporary Christian music.

  17. Christy Mack

    Christy Mack (born Christine Mackinday; May 19, 1991) is an American nude model and former pornographic actress.

  18. Christy McGinity Gibel

    Christy McGinity Gibel (born August 19, 1977 in Burbank, California) is an American actress and reality star known for "Death to Smoochy" and "Little Women: LA."

  19. Christy Karacas

    Christy C. Karacas (born March 9, 1975) is an American musician, animator, voice actor, director and writer, known for creating Superjail! and Ballmastrz: 9009 for Adult Swim.

Do you know any famous people named Christy, let us know and we would update the information.

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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details

Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3

Baby Name Christy Numerology: Name Christy has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about name Christy

What is the meaning of Christy?
Name Christy means A Christianity; follower of Christianityity religion as per The ParentZ Baby Name Finder, largest baby names list. Learn more Christy Name Meaning and Origin.
What is the numerology of baby name Christy?
Name Christy has numerology 3 as per The ParentZ.
What is the lucky number of name Christy?
The lucky number of name Christy is 3 as per number numerology.
What is the length of Christy name?
The name Christy has 7 letters. The name Christy consists of 1 word with 7 characters.
Where does the name Christy come from?
Christy is a Scottish, यूनानी (ग्रीक) name given to Boys as per The ParentZ.
What is the origin of the name Christy?
The name Christy is of Scottish, यूनानी (ग्रीक) origin and is used within Christianity communities.
What does Christy mean?
Name Christy means A Christianity; follower of Christianityity religion as per The ParentZ
What does the name Christy mean?
Christy is of Scottish, यूनानी (ग्रीक) origin and means A Christianity; follower of Christianityity religion as per The ParentZ
What is the meaning and origin of the baby name Christy?
Christy means A Christianity; follower of Christianityity religion and is a Scottish, यूनानी (ग्रीक) name given to Boys as per The ParentZ
How can I suggest alternate meaning of the name Christy?
You can use our suggest meaning and origin form to suggest alternate meaning of the name Christy.