What does the name Chloe mean? What is the meaning of the name Chloe?
Meaning of Chloe: Name Chloe in the Greek, Cyprus origin, means Fresh blooming, ripe green shoot. Name Chloe is of Greek, Cyprus origin and is a Girl name. People with name Chloe are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Chloe (Namesakes)
- Chloe Webb
Chloe Webb (born June 25, 1956) is an American actress, best known for her roles in films Sid and Nancy (1986), The Belly of an Architect (1987), Twins (1988), and Heart Condition (1990).
- Chloe Lattanzi
Chloe Rose Lattanzi (born January 17, 1986) is an American singer and actress.
- Chloe Bridges
Chloe Suazo (born December 27, 1991), known professionally as Chloe Bridges, is an American actress.
- Chloe Madeley
Chloe Susannah Madeley (born 13 July 1987) is an English television presenter, freelance journalist, hand model and fitness enthusiast.
- Chloe Lukasiak
Chloe Elizabeth Lukasiak (born May 25, 2001) is an American actress, dancer, author and reality television personality.
- Chloe Sims
Chloe Linda Daisy Margaret Sims (born 2 November 1981) is an English television personality.
- Chloe Bennet
Chloe Wang (Chinese: 汪可盈; pinyin: Wāng Kěyíng; born April 18, 1992), known professionally as Chloe Bennet, is an American actress and singer.
- Chloe Csengery
Chloe Csengery (born July 7, 2000) is an American teen actress known for playing the role of young Katie in the feature films Paranormal Activity 3, Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones, and Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension.
- Chloe Kim
Chloe Kim (born April 23, 2000) is an American snowboarder.
- Chloe Dykstra
Chloe Frances Dykstra (born September 15, 1988) is an American cosplayer, model and actress.
- Chloe Ferry
Chloe Ferry (born Chloe West Etherington; 31 August 1995) is an English reality television personality from Newcastle, known for being a cast member in the MTV reality series Geordie Shore.
- Chloe Kohanski
Chloe Kohanski (born December 29, 1993), known professionally as chloe mk (stylized in lowercase), is an American singer-songwriter.
- Chloe Fineman
Chloe Rose Fineman (born July 20, 1988) is an American actress, writer, and comedian.
- Chloe Moriondo
Chloe Moriondo (stylized in all lowercase as chloe moriondo) (born September 29, 2002) is an American singer-songwriter and YouTuber based in Detroit.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Chloe Numerology: Name Chloe has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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