What does the name Chika mean? What is the meaning of the name Chika
Meaning of Chika: Name Chika in the Japanese origin, means Filled with wisdom and intellect. Name Chika is of Japanese origin and is a Girl name. People with name Chika are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Chika (Namesakes)
- Chika Sakamoto
Chika Sakamoto (坂本 千夏, Sakamoto Chika, born August 17, 1959) is a Japanese voice actress who is affiliated with Arts Vision.
- Chika Unigwe
Chika Nina Unigwe (born 12 June 1974) is a Nigerian-born Igbo author who writes in English and Dutch.
- Chika (footballer)
Celso Moraes, or simply Chika (born August 4, 1979), is a Brazilian defender.
- Chika Wali
- Chika Jessica
Sisca "Chika" Jessica (born April 25, 1988) is an Indonesian actress best known for her work as a co-host in Hitam Putih Talk show hosted by Deddy Corbuzier.
- Chika Ike
Chika 'Nancy' Ike (born 8 November 1985) is a Nigerian actress, television personality, producer, business woman, philanthropist and former model.
- Chika Amalaha
Chika Joy Amalaha (born 28 October 1997) is a Nigerian weightlifter.
- Chika Emeagi
- Chika Oduah
Chikaodinaka Sandra Oduah (born March 14, 1986) is a Nigerian-American journalist who works as a television news producer, writer, photographer and correspondent.
- Matthias Chika Mordi
Matthias Chika Mordi (born February 25, 1967) is from Delta State, in Nigeria and was a refugee during Nigeria’s civil war.
- Chika Aoki
Chika Aoki (青木 千佳, Aoki Chika, born February 21, 1990) is a Japanese fencer who participated in the women's sabre individual fencing event at the 2016 Summer Olympics.
- Chika Hirao
Chika Hirao (平尾 知佳, Hirao Chika, born December 31, 1996) is a Japanese football player.
- Chika Chukwu
Chika Chukwu is a Nigerian actress born in Onitsha, Anambra State, Nigeria.
- Chika Yoshida
Chika Yoshida (吉田 知加, Yoshida Chika, born 11 September 1979) is a former Japanese pop singer and songwriter under the Giza Studio label.
- Chika (rapper)
Jane Chika Oranika (born March 9, 1997) known professionally as Chika (often stylized CHIKA), is an American rapper.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Chika Numerology: Name Chika has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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