What does the name Che mean? What is the meaning of the name Che
Meaning of Che: Name Che in the Spanish, United States origin, means God will multiply. Name Che is of Spanish, United States origin and is a Boy name. People with name Che are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Che (Namesakes)
- Che Bunce
- Che Cockatoo-Collins
Che Cockatoo-Collins (born 5 March 1975) is a former Australian rules footballer who played in the Australian Football League (AFL).
- Che Mills
Ché Mills (born 29 October 1982) is an English mixed martial artist who most recently competed in the Welterweight division of Cage Warriors.
- Stephanie Che
Stephanie Che (born 28 December 1974) is a Hong Kong actress and singer.
- Che Uda
Che Uda bin Che Nik (born 11 March 1949) is a Malaysian politician.
- Che Rosli
- Remezey Che Ros
Mohd Remezey bin Che Ros (born 1982 at Kuantan) is a Malaysian footballer currently playing for Pahang FA in Malaysia Super League.
- Che Runqiu
Che Runqiu (Chinese: 車潤秋; pinyin: Chē Rùnqiū; Cantonese Yale: Chē Yeuhnchāu ; born 25 October 1990 in Guangzhou, China), is a Chinese-born Hong Kong footballer who currently plays as a midfielder and defender for Hong Kong Premier League club Tai Po.
- Che Yongli
Che Yongli (born 28 January 1980) is a Chinese actress.
She is noted for her roles as A Mei and Mei Ling in the films A Singing Fairy and All For Love respectively.
- Michael Che
Michael Che Campbell (born May 19, 1983) is an American stand-up comedian, actor, and writer.
- Che Rashid
Che Rashid bin Che Halim (born 17 December 1994) is a Malaysian professional footballer who plays as a right back for Johor Darul Ta'zim II in the Malaysia Premier League.
- Yang Ya-che
Yang Ya-che (Chinese: 楊雅喆; pinyin: Yáng Yǎché; born 17 July 1971) is a Taiwanese film and television director.
- Rozita Che Wan
Rozita binti Abu Bakar (born March 9, 1974), better known by her stage name Rozita Che Wan or Che Ta, is a comedian, a former stewardess and publisher in Malaysia.
- Che Zhihong
Che Zhihong (born 16 January 1975) is a Chinese handball player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Che Numerology: Name Che has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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