What does the name Chaturvedi mean? What is the meaning of the name Chaturvedi?
Meaning of Chaturvedi: Name Chaturvedi in the Indian origin, means One who knows the Vedas; One Who Knows All The 4 Vedas. Name Chaturvedi is of Indian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Chaturvedi are usually Hindu by religion.
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Famous people with name Chaturvedi (Namesakes)
- Satyavrat Chaturvedi
Satyavrat Chaturvedi (born 13 January 1950)is an Indian politician former member of the Indian National Congress party ,INC expelled him on 19 November 2018 from party for 6 years.
- Geet Chaturvedi
Geet Chaturvedi (born 27 November 1977, in Mumbai, Maharashtra) is a Hindi poet, short story author and novelist.
- Hemant Chaturvedi
Hemant Chaturvedi is an Indian cinematographer in the Hindi film industry, he received great critical acclaim for his first feature, Company (2002).
- Vikrant Chaturvedi
Vikrant a/p Chaturvedi (Hindi: विक्रांत चतुर्वेदी Vikrānta Caturvēdī, born 1 August 1974 in Allahabad) is an Indian actor and voice-dubbing artist who speaks Hindi as his mother tongue.
- Priyanka Chaturvedi
Priyanka Vickram Chaturvedi (born 19 November 1979) is an Indian politician serving as Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha from Maharashtra and Deputy Leader of Shiv Sena.
- Jagdish Chaturvedi
Jagdish Chaturvedi (born 27 March 1984) is an Indian stand-up comedian made popular by his YouTube channel.
- Sanjiv Chaturvedi
Sanjiv Chaturvedi (born 21 December 1974) is an Indian Forest Service (IFS) officer and currently posted as Conservator of Forest (Research) at Haldwani in Nainital District of Uttarakhand State.
- Spandan Chaturvedi
Spandan Chaturvedi (born 25 August 2007) is an Indian television child actress.
- Ravi Chaturvedi
Ravi Chaturvedi is an Indian sports commentator and author of twenty three books on cricket, including World Cup Cricket: A Compendium, known to be first Indian sports commentator in Hindi.
- Sharvee Chaturvedi
Sharvee Chaturvedi is a fashion photographer, known for shooting Bollywood's first all-male calendar.
- Mohan Chaturvedi
Mohan Gopaldutt Chaturvedi (born 4 June 1971) is a former Indian cricketer who played for Delhi in Indian domestic cricket.
- Neelanshu Chaturvedi
- Aayushmaan Chaturvedi
Aayushmaan Chaturvedi (born 25 October 1994) is an Indian professional footballer who plays as an attacking midfielder for George Telegraph S.C..
- Siddhant Chaturvedi
Siddhant Chaturvedi (born 29 April 1993) is an Indian actor.
- Maninee
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Chaturvedi Numerology: Name Chaturvedi has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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