What does the name Charly mean? What is the meaning of the name Charly?
Meaning of Charly: Name Charly in the Old German origin, means The perfect and the chosen one who earns. Name Charly is of Old German origin and is a Boy name. People with name Charly are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Charly (Namesakes)
- Charly García
Charly García (born Carlos Alberto García, 23 October 1951) is an Argentine singer-songwriter, musician and record producer.
- Charly McClain
Charlotte Denise McClain (born March 26, 1956) is an American country music singer, best known for string of country hits during the 1980s.
- Charly Alberti
Carlos Alberto Ficicchia Gigliotti (born March 27, 1963), known by his stage name Charly Alberti, is an Argentine rock musician, best known as the drummer of the influential Argentine rock band Soda Stereo.
- Charly Körbel
Karl-Heinz "Charly" Körbel (born 1 December 1954, in Dossenheim) is a German former professional football defender.
- Charly Wegelius
Charles "Charly" Wegelius (born 26 April 1978 in Espoo, Finland) is a British former professional road racing cyclist.
- Charly Manson
Jesús Luna Pozos (born February 18, 1975) is a Mexican luchador (professional wrestler) who primarily works on the Mexican independent circuit as Sharlie Rockstar, where he competes as a member of The Kl4n.
- Charly Coombes
John Charles "Charly" Coombes (born 27 December 1980 in Mountain View, California) is an American-born English singer/songwriter, musician and filmmaker.
- Charly Chiarelli
Calogero (Charly) Chiarelli (born October 2, 1948) is a Canadian writer, storyteller, actor and musician.
- Daberechi
- Charly Boy
Charly Boy, born Charles Chukwuemeka Oputa, 19 June 1951 (also spelt Charlie Boy and known as CB, His Royal Punkness, and Area Fada), is a Nigerian singer/songwriter, television presenter, publisher, producer and one of Nigeria's most controversial entertainers, best known for his alternative lifestyle, political views, and media productions, most notably The Charly Boy Show.
- Charly Dutournier
Charly Dutournier (born 15 May 1994) is a French professional footballer who currently plays as a forward for FC Villefranche.
- Charly Suarez
Charly Coronel Suarez (born August 14, 1988) is a Filipino amateur boxer who competes internationally since 2006.
- Charly Bérard
Charly Bérard (born 27 September 1955) is a French former professional racing cyclist.
- Charly Musonda (footballer, born 1996)
Charles Musonda (born 15 October 1996), known as Charly Musonda or Charly Musonda Junior, is a Belgian professional footballer who plays for Eredivisie club Vitesse, on loan from Chelsea of the Premier League.
- Charly Hübner
Carsten Johannes Marcus Hübner (born 4 December 1972 in Neustrelitz) is a German actor.
- Charly Flores
Juan Carlos "Charly" Flores (born July 30, 1997) is an American soccer player.
- Charly Black
Desmond Méndez (born 6 April 1980), better known as Charly Black, alternatively known as Charly Blacks, and originally known as Tony Mentol, is a Jamaican reggae and dancehall singer, selector and singjay.
- Charly Luske
Charles René Pierre (Charly) Luske-Jess (born 19 September 1978) is a Dutch singer, actor, television presenter and voice actor.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Charly Numerology: Name Charly has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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