What does the name Charlene mean? What is the meaning of the name Charlene
Meaning of Charlene: Name Charlene in the Old German origin, means A free woman. Name Charlene is of Old German origin and is a Girl name. People with name Charlene are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Charlene (Namesakes)
- Charlene Tilton
Charlene L. Tilton (born December 1, 1958) is an American actress and singer.
- Charlene Choi
Charlene Choi Tsoek-jin (born 22 November 1982) is a Hong Kong-Canadian actress and singer.
- Charlene Barshefsky
Charlene Barshefsky (born August 11, 1950) served as United States Trade Representative, the country's top trade negotiator, from 1997 to 2001.
- Charlene de Carvalho-Heineken
Charlene de Carvalho-Heineken (born 30 June 1954) is a Dutch-English billionaire businesswoman, and the owner of a 25% controlling interest in the world's second-largest brewer, Heineken International.
- Charlene Gonzales
Charlene Mae Gonzales Bonnin-Muhlach (born May 1, 1974) is a Filipino actress, television and film personality and beauty queen.
- Charlene (singer)
Charlene (born June 1, 1950, as Charlene Marilynn D'Angelo; married name Charlene Oliver) is an American easy-listening and R&B singer best-known for her 1982 popular song "I've Never Been to Me", which topped the charts in many regions and has remained an enduring AC staple.
- Charlene, Princess of Monaco
Charlene, Princess of Monaco (née Charlene Lynette Wittstock; French: Charlène; born 25 January 1978) is a Zimbabwean-South African former Olympic swimmer and the Princess consort of Monaco as the wife of Prince Albert II.
The Princess was born in Bulawayo, Rhodesia (today Zimbabwe), the daughter of Michael and Lynette Wittstock, and the family relocated to South Africa in 1989.
- Gerald and Charlene Gallego
Gerald Armond Gallego (July 19, 1946 – July 18, 2002) and Charlene Adell (Williams) Gallego (born October 10, 1956) are two American serial killers who terrorized Sacramento, California between 1978 and 1980.
- Charlene Drew Jarvis
Charlene Drew Jarvis (born July 31, 1941 in Washington, D.C. as Charlene Rosella Drew) is an American educator and former scientific researcher and politician who served as the president of Southeastern University until March 31, 2009.
- Charlene Fernetz
Charlene Fernetz (born March 23, 1960) is a Canadian former actress.
- Charlene McKenna
Charlene Lee McKenna (Irish: Searlaoin Nic Chionaoith; born 26 March 1984) is an Irish actress.
- Charlene White
Charlene Denise White (born 22 June 1980) is a British journalist and newsreader, employed by ITN. She primarily presents ITV News London and was the youngest journalist of ITV News.
- Charlene Rink
Charlene Rink (born February 11, 1972) is a former professional fitness competitor, wrestler and competitive female bodybuilder.
- Disappearance of Charlene Downes
Charlene Elizabeth Caroline Downes (born 25 March 1989) disappeared on 1 November 2003, when she was 14, from her home town of Blackpool, a seaside town in north-west England.
- Charlene Amoia
Charlene M. Amoia (born September 25, 1982) is an American actress.
- Charlene Warren-Peu
Charlene Evelyn Dolly Warren-Peu (born 9 June 1979) is a Pitcairnese politician, who serves as Mayor of the Pitcairn Islands since 2020.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Charlene Numerology: Name Charlene has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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