What does the name Chaplin mean? What is the meaning of the name Chaplin
Meaning of Chaplin: Name Chaplin in the English origin, means A Clergyman. Name Chaplin is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Chaplin are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Chaplin (Namesakes)
- Geraldine Chaplin
Geraldine Leigh Chaplin (born July 31, 1944) is an English-American actress.
- Tom Chaplin
Thomas Oliver Chaplin (born 8 March 1979), is an English singer-songwriter, musician and composer, best known as the lead singer of the British pop rock band Keane.
- Christopher Chaplin
Christopher James Chaplin (born 8 July 1962) is a Swiss-born English composer and actor.
- Josephine Chaplin
Josephine Hannah Chaplin (born March 28, 1949) is an American actress and the daughter of filmmaker Charlie Chaplin and his fourth wife, Oona O'Neill.
Chaplin had a featured role in Pier Paolo Pasolini's The Canterbury Tales (1972).
- Michael Chaplin (actor)
Michael John Chaplin (born March 7, 1946) is an American actor born in Santa Monica, California.
- Ben Chaplin
Ben Chaplin (born Benedict John Greenwood; 31 July 1969) is an English actor, director and writer.
- Blondie Chaplin
Terence William "Blondie" Chaplin (born 7 July 1951) is a singer and guitarist from Durban, South Africa, where he played in the band The Flames in the mid-to late-1960s.
- Victoria Chaplin
Victoria Chaplin (born May 19, 1951) is a British-American circus performer.
- Kiera Chaplin
Kiera Chaplin (born 1 July 1982) is an Irish-born British American actress and model.
- Alexander Chaplin
Alexander Chaplin (né Gaberman; born March 20, 1971) is an American actor.
- Dmitry Chaplin
Dmitry Chaplin (Дмитрий Александрович Чаплин Dmitry Alexandrovich Chaplin) is a Russian dancer and Emmy nominated choreographer, best known for being a Top 10 finalist on the TV show So You Think You Can Dance (Season 2).
- Troy Chaplin
Troy David Chaplin (born 23 February 1986) is a former professional Australian rules footballer who played for the Port Adelaide Football Club and Richmond Football Club in the Australian Football League (AFL).
- Oona Chaplin
Oona Castilla Chaplin [ˈuna kasˈtija ˈt͡ʃaplin] (born 4 June 1986) is a Spanish-English actress.
- Conor Chaplin
Conor Mark Chaplin (born 16 February 1997) is an English professional footballer who plays as a striker or winger for Championship club Barnsley.
- Ian Chaplin
Ian Chaplin is an Australian jazz pianist.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Chaplin Numerology: Name Chaplin has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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