What does the name Chadwick mean? What is the meaning of the name Chadwick
Meaning of Chadwick: Name Chadwick in the Old English, English origin, means Chad's dairy farm; battle. Name Chadwick is of Old English, English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Chadwick are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Chadwick (Namesakes)
- Chadwick Stokes Urmston
Chad (Chadwick) Stokes Urmston (born February 26, 1976) is an American musician and a human rights activist.
- Justin Chadwick
Justin Chadwick (born 6 December 1968) is an English actor and television and film director.
- Guy Chadwick
Guy Stephen Chadwick (born 21 March 1956 in Hanover, Germany) is an English singer, songwriter and guitarist, best known as the frontman of alternative band, The House of Love, for which he wrote the majority of the band's material.
- Derek Chadwick
Derek Chadwick (born 21 March 1941) is a former Australian sportsman, playing both first-class cricket with Western Australia and Australian rules football for East Perth in the Western Australian Football League (WAFL).
- Steve Chadwick
Stephanie Anne "Steve" Chadwick (née Frizzell, born 15 December 1948) is a New Zealand politician.
- Luke Chadwick
Luke Harry Chadwick (born 18 November 1980) is an English former professional footballer who last played for Soham Town Rangers as a midfielder.
- Nick Chadwick
Nicholas Gerald Chadwick (born 26 October 1982) is an English former professional footballer who is now a U18 youth coach at Wigan Athletic.
- Jeff Chadwick
Jeffrey Allan Chadwick (born December 16, 1960), is a former professional American football player.
- Cy Chadwick
Cy Chadwick (born 2 June 1969) is an English actor, director, producer, and presenter.
- Sarah Chadwick
Sarah Chadwick (born 11 August 1960) is an Australian television actress best known for her role on The Flying Doctors as Dr.
- Chadwick Boseman
Chadwick Aaron Boseman (born November 29, 1976, or in 1977) (sources differ) is an American actor known for his portrayals of real-life historical figures such as Jackie Robinson in 42 (2013), James Brown in Get on Up (2014) and Thurgood Marshall in Marshall (2017), and for his portrayal of the superhero Black Panther in the Marvel Cinematic Universe films Captain America: Civil War (2016), Black Panther (2018), Avengers: Infinity War (2018) and Avengers: Endgame (2019).
- Andrés Chadwick
Andrés Pío Bernardino Chadwick Piñera (born 2 January 1956) is a Chilean right-wing politician and lawyer, member of the Independent Democrat Union (UDI) party.
- Jamie Chadwick
Jamie Laura Chadwick (born 20 May 1998) is a British female racing driver currently competing in the F3 Asian Series and the W Series.
- Michael Chadwick (swimmer)
Michael Chadwick (born April 15, 1995) is an American swimmer who swims for Team Elite Aquatics in San Diego, CA and formerly for the University of Missouri.
- Sarah Chadwick (activist)
Sarah Chadwick (born August 1, 2001) is an American activist against gun violence and one of the leaders of the Never Again MSD activist movement.
- Tom Chadwick
Thomas Robert Chadwick (born 21 October 1991) is an English former first-class cricketer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Chadwick Numerology: Name Chadwick has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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