What does the name Cezar mean? What is the meaning of the name Cezar
Meaning of Cezar: Name Cezar in the Slavic, Roman, Bulgarian origin, means They are hairy. Name Cezar is of Slavic, Roman, Bulgarian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Cezar are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Cezar (Namesakes)
- Cezar Bădiță
Cezar Bădiţă (born 12 April 1979 in Bucharest) is an international medley swimmer from Romania, who represented his native country at the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, Australia.
- Philip Cezar
Philip Cezar (born December 1, 1951) is a retired Filipino professional basketball player in the Philippine Basketball Association.
- Fabiano Cezar Viegas
Fabiano Cezar Viegas or simply Fabiano (born August 4, 1975 in Getúlio Vargas-RS), is a Brazilian central defender.
- Cezar Popescu
Cezar Popescu (born 29 December 1976 in Bucharest) is a Romanian rugby union player.
- Cezar Lungu
Cezar Andrei Lungu (born 6 April 1988), is a Romanian professional footballer who plays for Liga II side Petrolul Ploiești.
- Raul Cezar Zaiba
Raul Cezar Zaiba (born 10 October 1988, Timișoara, Romania) is a Romanian rugby union footballer.
- Cezar Ferreira
Cezar Jesus Ferreira (born February 15, 1985), better known in his home country Brazil as Cezar Mutante, is a mixed martial artist currently competing in the light heavyweight division of the Professional Fighters League.
- Cezar Răducanu
Cezar Răducanu (born 21 May 1958) is a Romanian modern pentathlete.
- Cezar Augusto
Cezar Augusto (born 19 March 1986) is a footballer from Brazil, and plays as a striker.
- Florin Cezar Ouatu
Florin Cezar Ouatu (Romanian pronunciation: [floˈrin ˈt͡ʃezar oˈwatu]; born 18 February 1980), known professionally as "Cezar The Voice [Vocea]" or simply "Cezar", is a Romanian opera countertenor, singer and pianist,
Son of the late flautist and former teacher at Mozarteum University of Salzburg, Florin Ouatu, he was born into a family of musicians in Ploiești.
- Ciprian Cezar Tudorascu
Ciprian Cezar Tudorascu (born 17 August 1979) is a Romanian football coach, currently hold UEFA "A" Coaching Licence, best known for promoting quality football players for national teams from different countries including Raheem Edwards, Romario Benzar, Gabriel Torje, Cristian Daminuta, Silviu Balaure, Dorin Rotariu and many others young talented players who play in this moment in professional teams around the world.
- Cezar Trandafirescu
- Cezar Bononi
- Breno Cezar
Breno Cezar (born April 21, 1995) is a Brazilian football player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Cezar Numerology: Name Cezar has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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