What does the name Cenk mean? What is the meaning of the name Cenk?
Meaning of Cenk: Name Cenk in the Turkish origin, means The one who wins war. Name Cenk is of Turkish origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Cenk (Namesakes)
- Cenk Akyol
Cenk Akyol (born April 16, 1987) is a Turkish professional basketball player for Sigortam.net İTÜ Basket of the Turkish Basketball First League.
- Cenk Uygur
Cenk Kadir Uygur (; Turkish: [ˈdʒeɲc kaˈdiɾ ˈujɡuɾ]; born March 21, 1970) is a Turkish-American journalist, activist, and political commentator.
- Cenk İşler
Cenk Işler (born 25 February 1974) is a retired Turkish international footballer who played as a forward.
- Cenk Gönen
Cenk Gönen (born 21 February 1988) is a Turkish professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Alanyaspor
- Cenk Güvenç
Cenk Güvenç (born December 29, 1991) is a Turkish footballer who currently plays for Balıkesirspor.
- Cenk Tosun
Cenk Tosun (Turkish: [dʒæɲc ˈtosun]; born 7 June 1991) is a German–Turkish professional footballer who plays as a striker for Crystal Palace, on loan from fellow Premier League club Everton, and the Turkey national team.
- Cenk İldem
Cenk İldem (pronounced [ˈdʒeɲc ˈiːldem]; born January 5, 1986 in Şişli, Istanbul) is a male wrestler from Turkey competing in the 96 kg division of Greco-Roman style.
- Cenk Şahin
Enver Cenk Şahin (born 22 September 1994) is a Turkish professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Kayserispor.
- Devrim Cenk Ulusoy
Devrim Cenk Ulusoy (born 2 January 1973) is a Turkish World record holder free-diver.
- Cenk Ahmet Alkılıç
Cenk Ahmet Alkılıç (born 9 April 1987 in İzmir) is a Turkish footballer who plays for BB Erzurumspor.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Cenk Numerology: Name Cenk has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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