What does the name Cem mean? What is the meaning of the name Cem
Meaning of Cem: Name Cem in the Persian origin, means A born leader and a ruler. Name Cem is of Persian origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Cem (Namesakes)
- Cem Özdemir
Cem Özdemir (German: [ˌdʒɛm ˈʔœzdɛmiːɐ̯], Turkish: [dʒæm ˈœzdemiɾ]; born 21 December 1965) is a German politician of the German political party Alliance '90/The Greens.
- Cem Yılmaz
Cem Yılmaz (Turkish pronunciation: [ˈdʒem jɯɫˈmaz] (listen), born 23 April 1973) is a Turkish stand-up comedian, actor, voice actor, musician, filmmaker, screen writer, and cartoonist.
- Cem Adrian
Cem Filiz, better known by his stage name Cem Adrian (born 30 November 1980), is a Turkish musician, singer-songwriter and record producer.
- Cem Toker
Cem Toker (born July 5, 1957), is a Turkish politician and the former leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Turkey (Turkish: Liberal Demokrat Parti, LDP).
- Cem Karaca (footballer)
Cem Karaca (born 8 May 1976) is a Turkish-German former football midfielder and current coach.
- Cem Atan
Cem Atan (born 30 June 1985 in Wiener Neustadt) is a Turkish-Austrian footballer who plays as a midfielder for ASK Eggendorf.
- Cem Zeng
Cem Zengi (born as Zheng Changgong 郑长弓 October 21, 1985 in China) is a male Chinese-born Turkish table tennis player.
- Cem Efe
Cem Efe (pronounced [ˈdʒem ˈefe]; born 9 June 1978 in West Berlin) is a German-Turkish football manager and former football player.
- Cem Kızıltuğ
Cem Kızıltuğ (born 1974, Istanbul) is a Turkish cartoonist and illustrator.
- Cem Uluğnuyan
Cem Uluğnuyan (born December 12, 1989) is a Turkish taekwondo practitioner competing in the bantamweight division.
- Seyit Cem Ünsal
Seyit Cem Ünsal (born 9 October 1975) is a Turkish professional footballer who plays as a forward.
- Cem Boyner
Cem Boyner (born September 23, 1955) is a Turkish businessman in the textile industry, owner of department stores, and was a short-time politician.
- Cem Akdağ
Cem Akdağ (born March 18, 1956) is a Turkish professional basketball coach.
- Cem Belevi
Cem Belevi (born 4 June 1987) is a Turkish pop music singer and actor.
- İsmail Cem Ulusoy
İsmail Cem Ulusoy (born 4 October 1996) is a Turkish professional basketball player who plays as a point guard for Gaziantep Basketbol of the Turkish Basketball Super League.
- Cem Yılmaz (rower)
Cem Yılmaz (born June 3, 1982) is a Turkish Olympian rower, currently competing for Galatasaray Rowing.
He was part of the Turkish men's eight rowing team, which won the bronze medal at the 2014 World Rowing Championships held Bosbaan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Cem Özer
Cem Özer (born 5 October 1959) is a Turkish actor.
- Cem Karakaş
Cem Karakaş is a Turkish investor in industry-disrupting businesses and a senior advisor to financial sponsors in carve-outs and large scale restructuring projects.
- Summer Cem
Cem Toraman (born 11 April 1983), better known as Summer Cem, is a German rapper of Turkish descent.
- Cem Yiğit Üzümoğlu
Cem Yiğit Üzümoğlu (born 1 March 1994) is a Turkish actor.
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Cem Numerology: Name Cem has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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