What does the name Celestino mean? What is the meaning of the name Celestino?
Meaning of Celestino: Name Celestino in the Spanish, Portuguese, Latin origin, means A heavenly person. Name Celestino is of Spanish, Portuguese, Latin origin and is a Boy name. People with name Celestino are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Celestino (Namesakes)
- Celestino Caballero
Celestino Caballero (born June 21, 1976) is a Panamanian former professional boxer who competed from 1998 to 2014.
- Celestino Migliore
Celestino Migliore (born 1 July 1952) is an Italian Archbishop of the Catholic Church who serves as the Apostolic Nuncio to France.
- Mirko Celestino
Mirko Celestino (born 19 March 1974 in Albenga) is an Italian former professional road racing cyclist, specializing in the classic cycle races.
- Celestino Pumpo
Celestino Marques Silva Ilnhasse (born 20 May 1988), known as Celestino Pumpo, is a football midfielder from Guinea-Bissau who plays for Alcanenense.
- Lennon Eduardo Carvalho Celestino
Lennon Eduardo Carvalho Celestino, commonly known as Lennon (born October 2, 1991 in city: Franca state: São Paulo) is a Brazilian footballer.
- Celestino (footballer)
Pedro Celestino Silva Soares (born 2 January 1987), known as Celestino, is a Cape Verdean professional footballer who plays for G.D. Fabril as a central midfielder.
- Víctor Celestino Algarañaz
Víctor Celestino Algarañaz (born 6 April 1926 - year of death unknown) is a Bolivian football forward who played for Bolivia in the 1950 FIFA World Cup.
- Celestino Bailón Guerrero
Celestino Bailón Guerrero (born 26 July 1954) is a Mexican politician from the Institutional Revolutionary Party.
- Celestino Prieto
Celestino Prieto (born 29 January 1961) is a Spanish former professional racing cyclist.
- Celestino Vercelli
Celestino Vercelli (born 10 August 1946) is an Italian former professional racing cyclist.
- Celestino Vallejo
Celestino Vallejo de Miguel (born 8 December 1960) is a Spanish football manager.
- Celestino Vietti
Celestino Vietti Ramus (born 13 October 2001) is an Italian motorcycle rider.
- Celestino Aós Braco
Celestino Aós Braco O.F.M.Cap.
- Celestino Midali
Celestino Midali (born 18 January 1957) is an Italian biathlete.
- Gilberto Celestino
Gilberto Celestino (born February 13, 1999) is a Dominican professional baseball outfielder in the Minnesota Twins organization.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Celestino Numerology: Name Celestino has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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