What does the name Cato mean? What is the meaning of the name Cato
Meaning of Cato: Name Cato in the Latin, Dutch origin, means An intelligent, brainy Boy. Name Cato is of Latin, Dutch origin and is a Boy name. People with name Cato are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Cato (Namesakes)
- Roxroy Cato
Roxroy Cato (born 5 January 1988, St.
- Connie Cato
Connie Cato (born March 30, 1955) is a country music singer.
- Darren Cato
Darren Cato (born 3 September 1991) is a Caymanian cricketer.
- Kelvin Cato
Kelvin Tavares Cato (born August 26, 1974) is an American retired professional basketball player.
- Suzy Cato
Suzanne Noreen Cato (born 20 June 1968) is an Australian-born New Zealand children's entertainer.
- Molly Scott Cato
Sarah Margaret "Molly" Scott Cato (born 21 May 1963) is a British Green politician, academic, environmental and community activist, and green economist.
- Cato Hansen
Cato Hansen (born 26 May 1988) is a Norwegian football striker.
- Andy Cato
Andy Cato (born Andrew Derek Cocup; 7 June 1973) is an English musician, record producer and DJ who is currently one half of the electronic music band Groove Armada, the other half being Tom Findlay.
- Noah Cato
Noah Cato (born 31 March 1988) is an English rugby union player who plays as a wing and fullback for Wimbledon RFC in the National League 2 South.
He was educated at St.
- Harry Cato
Harry Franklin Cato is a former Republican member of the South Carolina House of Representatives.
- Keefe Cato
John Keefe Cato (born May 6, 1958) is a former relief pitcher who played for the Cincinnati Reds in 1983 and 1984.
- Cordell Cato
Cordell Cato (born July 15, 1992) is a Trinidadian footballer who currently plays for Oklahoma City Energy FC in the USL Championship.
- Rakeem Cato
Rakeem Cato (born March 28, 1992) is an American football quarterback.
- Roland Cato
Roland Osbert Cato (born 23 November 1997) is a Grenadian cricketer who has played for the West Indies under-19s team.
- Darryl Cato-Bishop
Darryl Cato-Bishop (born January 26, 1990) is an American football defensive lineman who is currently a free agent.
- Sam Cato
Samuel John Cato (born 23 November 1992) is an English former first-class cricketer.
- Jonelle Cato
Jonelle Cato (born 14 March 1995) is a Trinidad and Tobago footballer who plays as a defender.
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Cato Numerology: Name Cato has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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