What does the name Cathrine mean? What is the meaning of the name Cathrine
Meaning of Cathrine: Name Cathrine in the English origin, means A maiden, innocente and pure. Name Cathrine is of English origin and is a Girl name. People with name Cathrine are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Cathrine: A maiden, innocente and pure
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Famous people with name Cathrine (Namesakes)
- Cathrine Kraayeveld
Cathrine Helene Kraayeveld (born September 30, 1981) is an American former professional basketball player who played in the WNBA. Her father, Dave, played football for the Seattle Seahawks in 1978.
- Linda Cathrine Hofstad Helleland
Linda Cathrine Hofstad Helleland (born 26 August 1977 in Klæbu) is a Norwegian politician for the Conservative Party who serves as Minister of Districts and Digitalization since 2020.
- Cathrine Paaske Sørensen
Cathrine Paaske Sørensen (born 14 June 1978) is a Danish former football midfielder who played for the Denmark women's national football team.
- Cathrine Latu
Cathrine Tuivaiti (née Latu; born 25 October 1986 in Waitakere, New Zealand) is a New Zealand netball player.
- Cathrine Zaborowski
Cathrine Zaborowski (born 3 August 1971) is a former Norwegian football player who played for the Norway women's national football team.
- Cathrine Sandnes
Cathrine Sandnes (born 19 March 1972) is a Norwegian martial artist, journalist and magazine editor.
- Cathrine Dekkerhus
Cathrine Høegh Dekkerhus (born 17 September 1992) is a Norwegian football midfielder who plays in the Toppserien for Lillestrøm.
- Cathrine Gjerpen
Cathrine Margrethe Gjerpen (born 18 September 1987) is a Norwegian sailor.
- Cathrine Dyngvold
Cathrine Dyngvold (born 17 April 1989) is a Norwegian footballer who last played as a forward for the Swedish Damallsvenskan side Kopparbergs/Göteborg FC.
- Ann-Cathrine Wiklander
Ann-Cathrine Wiklander, born 4 July 1958 in Sollefteå, Sweden, is a Swedish female singer, scoring dansband successes during the 1990s.
- Cathrine Dufour
Cathrine Dufour (born 2 January 1992) is a Danish Olympic dressage rider.
- Simone Cathrine Petersen
Simone Cathrine Petersen (born 28 August 1997) is a Danish handball player who currently plays for Aarhus United and the Danish national team.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Cathrine Numerology: Name Cathrine has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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