What does the name Castle mean? What is the meaning of the name Castle
Meaning of Castle: Name Castle in the English origin, means He is from a castle. Name Castle is of English origin and is a Unisex name. People with name Castle are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Castle (Namesakes)
- Keisha Castle-Hughes
Keisha Castle-Hughes (born 24 March 1990) is an Australian–New Zealand actress who rose to prominence for playing Paikea "Pai" Apirana in the film Whale Rider.
- Mike Castle
Michael Newbold Castle (born July 2, 1939) is an American attorney and politician who was governor of Delaware (1985–92) and the U.S. Representative for Delaware's at-large congressional district (1993–2011).
- Jo Ann Castle
Jo Ann Castle (born September 3, 1939) is an American honky-tonk pianist, best remembered for appearing on The Lawrence Welk Show.
- Andrew Castle
Andrew Nicholas Castle (born 15 November 1963) is a British broadcaster and former tennis player.
- Nick Castle
Nicholas Charles Castle (born September 21, 1947) is an American screenwriter, film director and actor.
- John Castle
John Michael Frederick Castle (born 14 January 1940) is an English retired actor.
- Steve Castle
Steve Castle (born 17 May 1966 in Barking) is an English former football Midfielder who played in the Football League between 1984 and 2001.
- Keith-Lee Castle
Keith-Lee Castle (born 14 September 1968) is a British actor.
- Amy Castle
Amy Castle (born Amy Jessica Castle on April 2, 1990, in Woodland Hills, California) is an American actress and internet personality.
- Brian Castle
Brian Colin Castle (born 7 September 1949) is a retired bishop in the Church of England, the most recent Bishop suffragan of Tonbridge.
- Darrell Castle
Darrell Lane Castle (born October 11, 1948) is an American politician and attorney from Memphis, Tennessee.
- Aimée Castle
Aimée Castle (born November 29, 1978) is a Canadian actress and voice actress.
- Marlene Castle
Marlene Robyn Castle (born 13 March 1944) is a lawn and indoor bowls international for New Zealand.
- Demarco Castle
Demarco Lamonte Castle (born June 20, 1981), also known as Gemstones, is an American singer, rapper and songwriter from Chicago, Illinois.
- Eric Castle
Eric Castle is a former professional American football player who played defensive back for four seasons for the San Diego Chargers.
- Dalton Castle (wrestler)
Brett Giehl (born March 4, 1986), better known by his ring name Dalton Castle, is an American emcee and professional wrestler, currently signed to Ring of Honor (ROH).
- Mike Castle (actor)
Mike Castle is an American actor from Chicago, Illinois.
- Raelene Castle
Raelene Castle (born 30 September 1971) is a sports executive who has worked in Australia and New Zealand.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Castle Numerology: Name Castle has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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