What does the name Castel mean? What is the meaning of the name Castel
Meaning of Castel: Name Castel in the English origin, means A castle. One who lives in a castel. Name Castel is of English origin and is a Unisex name. People with name Castel are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Castel: A castle. One who lives in a castel
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Famous people with name Castel (Namesakes)
- Carlo Alessandro, 3rd Duke of Castel Duino
Carlo Alessandro, Prince della Torre e Tasso, 3rd Duke of Castel Duino, full Italian name: Carlo Alessandro, Principe della Torre e Tasso, Duca di Castel Duino (born 10 February 1952) is the current head of the Castel Duino branch of the House of Thurn and Taxis.
- Lou Castel
- Bertrand du Castel
Bertrand du Castel is a French-American author and scientist who won in 2005 the Visionary Award from Card Technology Magazine for pioneering the Java Card, which by 2007 had sold more than 3.5 billion units worldwide.
- P. Kevin Castel
Peter Kevin Castel (born August 5, 1950) is a Senior United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.
- Lily Castel
Lily Castel (born Alice van Acker, 10 April 1937, Ghent) is a Belgian singer, best known for her participation with Jacques Raymond in the 1971 Eurovision Song Contest.
- Marie-Pierre Castel
Marie-Pierre Castel (born 5 February 1948) is a French actress.
- Catherine Castel
Catherine Castel (born 5 February 1948) is a French actress and director.
- Orwin Castel
Orwin Castel (born 18 June 1973) is a Mauritian footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Langwarrin SC in Australia.
- Richard Castel
Richard Castel (born 31 December 1972, in Vendres) is a former French rugby union player.
- Alexianne Castel
Alexianne Castel (born 25 July 1990) is a French swimmer from Bordeaux.
- João Castel-Branco Goulão
João Augusto Castel-Branco Goulão ComIH (born 6 May 1954 in Cernache do Bonjardim, Portugal) is a Portuguese physician and the current national drug coordinator for Portugal.
- Sergio Castel
Sergio Castel Martínez (born 22 February 1995), is a Spanish Footballer who plays as a forward for Indian club Jamshedpur FC, on loan from Atlético Madrid.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Castel Numerology: Name Castel has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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