What does the name Cassidy mean? What is the meaning of the name Cassidy
Meaning of Cassidy: Name Cassidy in the Irish origin, means A smart and clever girl. Name Cassidy is of Irish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Cassidy are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Cassidy (Namesakes)
- Cassidy Rae
Cassidy Rae Joyce (born June 7, 1976) is a retired American actress.
- Shaun Cassidy
Shaun Paul Cassidy (born September 27, 1958) is an American singer, actor, writer and producer. Cassidy starred in the television series The Hardy Boys Mysteries (1977–1979), Breaking Away (1980–1981) and a stint on the daytime soap General Hospital (1987).
- Cassidy (rapper)
Barry Adrian Reese (born July 7, 1982), better known by his stage name Cassidy, is an American rapper from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Joanna Cassidy
Joanna Cassidy (born August 2, 1945) is an American actress.
- Katie Cassidy
Katherine Evelyn Anita Cassidy (born November 25, 1986) is an American actress and director.
- Michael Cassidy (actor)
Michael Cassidy (born March 20, 1983) is an American film and television actor.
- Elaine Cassidy
Elaine Cassidy (born 31 December 1979) is an Irish actress who is best known for playing the lead character Abby Mills in the American CBS TV series Harper's Island, Felicia in Felicia's Journey, Runt in Disco Pigs, Lydia in The Others, Katherine Glendenning in The Paradise, and DC Dinah Kowalska in No Offence.
- Christopher Cassidy
Christopher John "Chris" Cassidy (born January 4, 1970, in Salem, Massachusetts) is a NASA astronaut and United States Navy SEAL. Chris Cassidy achieved the rank of captain in the U.S. Navy.
- Raquel Cassidy
Raquel Josephine Dominic Cassidy (born 22 January 1968) is an English actress.
- Bill Cassidy
William Morgan Cassidy (born September 28, 1957) is an American gastroenterologist and politician who is the senior United States Senator from Louisiana, serving since 2015.
- Patrick Cassidy (actor)
Patrick William Cassidy (born January 4, 1962 in Los Angeles, California) is an American actor best known for his roles in musical theatre and television.
- Barrie Cassidy
Barrie Cassidy (born 4 March 1950) is an Australian political journalist, as well as a radio and television host and presenter and commentator for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
- Cassidy Freeman
Cassidy Freeman (born April 22, 1982) is an American actress and musician.
- Grace Cassidy
Grace May Cassidy (born 24 March 1993) is an English actress.
- Nick Cassidy
Nick Cassidy, (born 19 August 1994), is a New Zealand born racing driver.
- Cassidy Hubbarth
Cassidy Hubbarth (born September 19, 1984) is an American television anchor.
- Cassidy Gifford
Cassidy Erin Gifford (born August 2, 1993) is an American actress.
- Raffey Cassidy
Raffey Camomile Cassidy (born 12 November 2001) is an English actress.
- Natalie Cassidy
Natalie Ann Cassidy (born 13 May 1983) is an English actress.
- Orange Cassidy
James Cipperly (born May 4, 1984), better known by his ring name Orange Cassidy, is an American professional wrestler, currently signed to All Elite Wrestling (AEW).
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Cassidy Numerology: Name Cassidy has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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