What does the name Casanova mean? What is the meaning of the name Casanova
Meaning of Casanova: Name Casanova in the Italian origin, means A surname, meaning a new house, a new home. Name Casanova is of Italian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Casanova are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Casanova: A surname, meaning a new house, a new home
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Famous people with name Casanova (Namesakes)
- Corina Casanova
Corina Casanova (born 4 January 1956) was the Federal Chancellor of Switzerland between 2008 and 2015.
- Myriam Casanova
Myriam Casanova (born 20 June 1985) is a former tennis player from Switzerland.
- Tommy Casanova
Thomas Henry Casanova III (born July 29, 1950) is a former American football player and politician.
- Raúl Casanova
Raúl Casanova (born August 23, 1972) is a Puerto Rican retired Major League Baseball player who was a catcher from 1996 to 2008 with the exception of 1999, 2003, 2004, and 2006.
- Bruno Casanova
Bruno Casanova (born June 1, 1964 in Cervia) is a former Italian Grand Prix motorcycle road racer.
- Alain Casanova
Alain Casanova (born 18 September 1961) is a French former footballer who played as a goalkeeper, and current manager.
- Michael Casanova
Michael Casanova (born 4 May 1989) is a former Swiss footballer.
- Nacho Casanova
Ignacio 'Nacho' Díaz Casanova Montenegro (born 4 February 1987 in Las Palmas, Canary Islands) is a Spanish footballer who plays for Austrian club SC Mannsdorf as a forward.
- Fernando Casanova
Fernando Casanova Aizpún (born 30 October 1988) in Santo Domingo is a Dominican international footballer who plays as a Midfielder and the actually team is a Bauger FC in the Dominican Republic First Division.
- Tristano Casanova
Tristano Alessandro Casanova (born 13 October 1983) is a German actor and voice actor.
- Delia Casanova
Delia Casanova (born Delia Margarita Casanova Mendiola on November 4, 1948 in Poza Rica, Veracruz, Mexico) is a Mexican actress.
- Elisa Casanova
Elisa Casanova (born 26 November 1973) was an Italian female water polo player.
She was part of the Italy women's national water polo team at the 2008 and 2012 Summer Olympics.
- Simone Rapisarda Casanova
Simone Rapisarda Casanova is an Italian experimental filmmaker currently living in Canada.
- Daniela Casanova
Daniela Casanova (born 14 May 1984) is a former tennis player from Switzerland.
- Casanova (rapper)
Caswell Senior (born October 27, 1986), known professionally as Casanova, is an American rapper born and raised in Brooklyn, New York.
- Agustín Casanova
Agustín Daniel Casanova Sommaruga (born 14 December 1993) is an Uruguayan actor and singer, known for being the vocalist of the cumbia pop band Márama, between 2014 and 2018.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 22
Baby Name Casanova Numerology: Name Casanova has a number value of 22 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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