What does the name Cary mean? What is the meaning of the name Cary
Meaning of Cary: Name Cary in the Irish, Latin origin, means A man of the fortress. Name Cary is of Irish, Latin origin and is a Boy name. People with name Cary are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Cary (Namesakes)
- Dave McCary
David Lee McCary (born July 2, 1985) is an American comedian, writer, and director.
- Cary Bren
Cary Bren (born 8 May 1959) is an American former racing driver. - Cary Elwes
Ivan Simon Cary Elwes (; born 26 October 1962) is an English actor and writer.
- Cary Stayner
Cary Anthony Stayner (born August 13, 1961) is an American serial killer and the older brother of kidnapping victim Steven Stayner.
- Caitlin Cary
Caitlin Cary (born October 28, 1968) is an alternative country musician from Seville, Ohio.
- Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa
Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa (JP: 田川 洋行 Tagawa Hiroyuki, RU: Пантелеймон Тагава Panteleymon Tagawa; born September 27, 1950) is a Japanese-American actor.
- Alexander Cary, Master of Falkland
(Lucius) Alexander Plantagenet Cary, Master of Falkland (born 1 February 1963), is an English screenwriter, producer, and ex-soldier.
- Cary Guffey
Cary Guffey (born May 10, 1972) is a former American child actor.
- Marc Cary
Marc Cary (born January 29, 1967) is a post bop jazz pianist based out of New York City.
- Chuck Cary
Charles Douglas Cary (born March 3, 1960) is a former professional baseball player who pitched in the Major Leagues from 1985 to 1991.
- Kate Cary
Kate Cary (born 4 November 1967 in Birmingham, England) is one of the authors of the Warriors novel series, a story about wild cats, which she writes under the pen name of Erin Hunter.
- Cary Cooper
Sir Cary Lynn Cooper, (born 28 April 1940), is an American-born British psychologist and 50th Anniversary Professor of Organizational Psychology and Health at the Manchester Business School, University of Manchester.
- Cary Joji Fukunaga
Cary Joji Fukunaga (born July 10, 1977) is an American filmmaker and television director.
- Phillip Cary
Phillip S. Cary (born 1958) is an American philosopher who serves as a professor at Eastern University with a concentration on Augustine of Hippo.
- Bray Cary
Bray Cary, born June 15, 1948, is a Senior Political Advisor as well as a US-based media and sports marketing entrepreneur.
- Pedro Cary
Pedro Miguel Fangueiro de São Payo Cary (born 10 May 1984) is a Portuguese futsal player who plays for Sala 10 and the Portugal national team.
- Cary Katz
Cary Steven Katz (born January 29, 1970) is an American businessman and professional poker player.
- Justin Chu Cary
Justin Chu Cary is an American actor who stars on Netflix's Black Summer.
- Cary Brabham
Cary Brabham (born August 11, 1970) is a former American football defensive back.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Cary Numerology: Name Cary has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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