What does the name Carolyn mean? What is the meaning of the name Carolyn?
Meaning of Carolyn: Name Carolyn in the American origin, means A joyful song of happiness. Name Carolyn is of American origin and is a Girl name. People with name Carolyn are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Carolyn (Namesakes)
- Carolyn Leonhart
Carolyn Leonhart (born July 10, 1971) is a jazz singer, daughter of jazz bassist Jay Leonhart and sister of the trumpeter Michael Leonhart.
- Carolyn Lawrence
Carolyn Lawrence (born February 13, 1967) is an American actress and voice actress, who is known for her long-running voice role as Sandy Cheeks on the Nickelodeon TV Show SpongeBob SquarePants.
- Carolyn Maloney
Carolyn Bosher Maloney (née Carolyn Jane Bosher, February 19, 1946) is an American politician serving as the U.S. Representative for New York's 12th congressional district since 2013.
- Carolyn Kepcher
Carolyn Kepcher (born January 30, 1969) is an American businesswoman who was one of the judges on the NBC television program The Apprentice.
- Carolyn McCormick
Carolyn Inez McCormick (born September 19, 1959) is an American actress best known for her role as Dr.
- Carolyn Forché
Carolyn Forché (born April 28, 1950) is an American poet, editor, professor, translator, and human rights advocate.
- Carolyn Murphy
- Carolyn Hennesy
Carolyn Lee Hennesy (born June 10, 1962) is an American actress, author, and animal advocate, who is best known for her work throughout film and television.
- Carolyn Garcia
Carolyn Elizabeth Garcia (née Adams; born May 6, 1946), also known as Mountain Girl, is an American former Merry Prankster and a former wife of Jerry Garcia.
- Carolyn Seymour
Carolyn Seymour is an English actress, best known for portraying the role of Abby Grant in the BBC series Survivors (1975).
- Carolyn Hax
Carolyn Hanley Hax is an American writer and columnist for The Washington Post and author of the advice column Carolyn Hax (formerly titled Tell Me About It).
- Carolyn Hester
Carolyn Sue Hester (born January 28, 1937) is an American folk singer and songwriter.
- Carolyn Pickles
Carolyn Pickles (born 8 February 1952) is an English actress who has appeared in West End theatre and on British television.
- Carolyn Warmus
Carolyn Warmus (born January 8, 1964) is an American former elementary schoolteacher who was convicted at age 28 of the 1989 murder of her lover's wife, 40-year-old Betty Jeanne Solomon.
- Carolyn Dennis
Carolyn Dennis (born April 12, 1954), sometimes known professionally as Carol Dennis or Carol Dennis-Dylan, is an American singer and actress best known for her work with and marriage to Bob Dylan.
- Carolyn Jessop
Carolyn Jessop (born January 1, 1968) is a former Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints member who wrote Escape, an autobiographical account of her upbringing in the polygamist sect and later flight from that community.
- Carolyn Wonderland
Carolyn Wonderland (born Carolyn Bradford, November 9, 1972) is an American blues singer-songwriter and musician.
- Axelle Carolyn
Axelle Carolyn (born 3 April 1979 in Brussels) is a Belgian filmmaker and former actress and journalist.
- Carolyn Strauss
Carolyn Strauss (born July 13, 1963) is an American television executive and producer.
- Carolyn Goodman (politician)
Carolyn Goodman (née Goldmark; born March 25, 1939) is an American politician who has served as mayor of Las Vegas, Nevada since 2011.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Carolyn Numerology: Name Carolyn has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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