What does the name Carolina mean? What is the meaning of the name Carolina
Meaning of Carolina: Name Carolina in the English, Italian, French origin, means A song of joy and happiness. Name Carolina is of English, Italian, French origin and is a Girl name. People with name Carolina are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Carolina (Namesakes)
- List of governors of North Carolina
The Governor of North Carolina has a duty to enforce state laws and to convene the legislature.
- Carolina Klüft
Carolina Evelyn Klüft (Swedish pronunciation: [ˈklʏfːt]; born 2 February 1983) is a retired Swedish track and field athlete who competed in the heptathlon, triple jump, long jump, and pentathlon.
- List of United States senators from South Carolina
South Carolina ratified the United States Constitution on May 23, 1788.
- Carolina Kostner
Carolina Kostner (born 8 February 1987) is an Italian figure skater.
- Carolina Herrera
- Astrid Carolina Herrera
Astrid Carolina Herrera (Spanish pronunciation: [as.ˈtri.d ka.ɾoˈli.na eˈreɾa] ;born 23 June 1964 in Caracas, Venezuela) is a Venezuelan actress and beauty queen.
- Carolina Tejera
Nelly Carolina Tejera (born October 14, 1976 in Caracas, Venezuela) is a Venezuelan model and actress.
- Carolina Morán
Carolina Morán Gordillo (born December 30, 1987 in Manzanillo, Colima) is a Mexican actress, model and beauty pageant titleholder who placed as the second runner-up in the 57th Miss World pageant on December 1, 2007 in Sanya, China.
Morán, who stands 5'10" (1.78 m) tall, competed in the national beauty pageant Nuestra Belleza México, held in Tampico, Tamaulipas on September 2, 2006 and obtained the title of Miss Mexico World after placing second to Rosa María Ojeda of the state of Sinaloa.
- Ana Carolina
Ana Carolina Sousa (Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈɐ̃nɐ karoˈlinɐ], born September 9, 1974) is a Brazilian singer, songwriter and musician.
- Carolina Gómez
Carolina Gómez Correa (born 26 February 1975) is a Colombian actress, presenter and model, who held the title of Miss Colombia 1993 and placed 1st Runner-Up at Miss Universe 1994.
- Carolina Guerra
Carolina Guerra (born Carolina Liliana Guerra Molina; 30 July 1986) is a Colombian model, actress and television presenter chosen in 2005 to represent the nation's capital as Miss Bogotá.
- Carolina Dieckmann
Carolina Dieckmann Worcman (born September 16, 1978) is a Brazilian actress.
- Carolina Marín
Carolina María Marín Martín (born 15 June 1993) is a Spanish professional badminton player.
- Carolina Sandoval
Carolina Sandoval (born Carolina Sandoval Guzman), also known as La Venenosa (the Venomous One), was born on November 24, 1973 in Venezuela.
- Carolina Acevedo
Carolina Acevedo Rojas (born October 7, 1979) in Bogotá is a Colombian actress.
- Carolina Viggiano
Alma Carolina Viggiano Austria (born 6 July 1968) is a Mexican politician from the Institutional Revolutionary Party.
- Carolina Gaitán
Carolina Gaitán (born Carolina Del Pilar Gaitán Lozano on April 4, 1984), is a Colombian singer, model, and television actress.
- Carolina Ravassa
Carolina Ravassa (born 15 June 1985) is a Colombian actress and producer.
- Carolina Bartczak
Carolina Bartczak (born October 5, 1985 in Gehrden, Germany) is a Canadian/Polish actress.
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Carolina Numerology: Name Carolina has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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