
What does the name Carol mean? What is the meaning of the name Carol

Meaning of Carol: Name Carol in the English origin, means A hymn or a song. Name Carol is of English origin and is a Unisex name. People with name Carol are usually Christianity by religion.

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A hymn or a song
1 word with 5 characters
Pythagorean Numerology
Indian Vedic Numerology
Nakshatra (Birth Star)
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Meaning and Origin

Meaning and Origin
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Example: Arun of Sanskrit origin - [ अरुण ]

Example: Arun of Sanskrit origin - [ ARR-UHN ]


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Famous people with name Carol (Namesakes)

  1. Carol Kane

    Carolyn Laurie Kane (born June 18, 1952) is an American actress and comedian.

  2. Carol Cleveland

    Carol Cleveland (born 13 January 1942) is a British-American actress and comedian, particularly known for her work with Monty Python.

  3. Carol Vorderman

    Carol Jean Vorderman, MBE (born 24 December 1960) is a British media personality, best known for co-hosting the popular game show Countdown for 26 years from 1982 until 2008, as a newspaper columnist and nominal author of educational and diet books, and hosting the annual Pride of Britain awards.

  4. Carol Decker

    Carol Ann Decker (born 10 September 1957) is an English musician and lead vocalist for the band T'Pau, which had international success in the late 1980s.

  5. Carol Hawkins

    Carol Hawkins (born 31 January 1949 in Barnet, Hertfordshire) is an English actress.

  6. Carol Burnett

    Carol Creighton Burnett (born April 26, 1933) is an American actress, comedian, singer, and writer, whose career spans seven decades of television.

  7. Carol Thatcher

    Carol Jane Thatcher (born 15 August 1953) is an English journalist, author and media personality.

  8. Carol Kaye

    Carol Kaye (nee Smith, born March 24, 1935) is an American musician.

  9. Carol Leifer

    Carol Leifer ( LEE-fər; born July 27, 1956) is an American comedian, writer, producer and actress whose career as a stand-up comedian started in the 1970s when she was in college.

  10. Carol Kirkwood

    Carol Kirkwood (born 29 May 1962) is a Scottish weather presenter, trained by the Met Office, and employed by the BBC, in particular on BBC Breakfast and Victoria Derbyshire.

  11. Carol Harrison

    Carol Harrison (born 8 February 1955 in West Ham, Essex) is an English actress and writer.

  12. Carol Drinkwater

    Carol Drinkwater (born 22 April 1948) is an Anglo-Irish actress, author and filmmaker.

  13. Carol Merrill

    Carol Merrill (born Carol Lue Hiller; January 19, 1941) was the model for the television game show Let's Make a Deal during the show's original run between 1963–77.

  14. Carol Banawa

    Carol Claire Aguilar Banawa (born March 4, 1981), better known in the Philippines as Carol Banawa, is a US-based Filipino singer and actress.

  15. Carol Dweck

    Carol S. Dweck (born October 17, 1946) is an American psychologist.

  16. Carol Cheng

    Carol Cheng (Traditional Chinese: 鄭裕玲; born 9 September 1957), commonly referred to by her nickname Do Do, is a Hong Kong film and television actress and host.

  17. Carol Arthur

    Carol Arthur (born August 4, 1935) is a retired American actress, mainly recognizable as playing supporting roles in films produced by Mel Brooks.

  18. Carol Alt

    Carol Ann Alt (born December 1, 1960) is an American model and actress.

  19. Carol Gilligan

    Carol Gilligan (; born November 28, 1936) is an American feminist, ethicist and psychologist best known for her work on ethical community and ethical relationships and certain subject-object problems in ethics.

  20. Carol Lawrence

    Carol Lawrence (born Carolina Maria Laraia; September 5, 1932) is an American actress, appearing in musical theatre and on television.

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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details

Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4

Baby Name Carol Numerology: Name Carol has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about name Carol

What is the meaning of Carol?
Name Carol means A hymn or a song as per The ParentZ Baby Name Finder, largest baby names list. Learn more Carol Name Meaning and Origin.
What is the numerology of baby name Carol?
Name Carol has numerology 6 as per The ParentZ.
What is the lucky number of name Carol?
The lucky number of name Carol is 6 as per number numerology.
What is the length of Carol name?
The name Carol has 5 letters. The name Carol consists of 1 word with 5 characters.
Where does the name Carol come from?
Carol is a English name given to Unisexs as per The ParentZ.
What is the origin of the name Carol?
The name Carol is of English origin and is used within Christianity communities.
What does Carol mean?
Name Carol means A hymn or a song as per The ParentZ
What does the name Carol mean?
Carol is of English origin and means A hymn or a song as per The ParentZ
What is the meaning and origin of the baby name Carol?
Carol means A hymn or a song and is a English name given to Unisexs as per The ParentZ
How can I suggest alternate meaning of the name Carol?
You can use our suggest meaning and origin form to suggest alternate meaning of the name Carol.
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