What does the name Carmine mean? What is the meaning of the name Carmine
Meaning of Carmine: Name Carmine in the Italian, Latin origin, means A man who is like a song. Name Carmine is of Italian, Latin origin and is a Boy name. People with name Carmine are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Carmine (Namesakes)
- Carmine Giovinazzo
Carmine Dominick Giovinazzo ( KAR-myne JEE-oh-vin-AH-zoh, Italian: [ˈkarmine dʒoviˈnattso]; born August 24, 1973) is an American actor, writer, painter and musician, known for his role as Detective Danny Messer in CSI: NY.
- Carmine Appice
Carmine Appice ( ) (born December 15, 1946) is an American drummer and percussionist most commonly associated with the rock genre of music.
- Carmine Boal
Carmine Boal (born February 28, 1956) served as the Iowa State Representative from the 70th District from 1999 to 2008.
- Samuel Di Carmine
Samuel Di Carmine (born 29 September 1988) is an Italian footballer who plays as a striker for Italian Serie A club Hellas Verona.
- Carmine Alfieri
Carmine Alfieri (Italian pronunciation: [ˈkarmine alˈfjɛːri]; born February 18, 1943) is an Italian Camorra boss, who rose from Piazzolla di Nola to become one of the most powerful members of Neapolitan Camorra in the 1980s.
- Carmine Rojas
Carmine Rojas (born February 14, 1953, Brooklyn, New York City, United States) is an American bass guitarist, musical director and composer.
- Carmine Esposito
Carmine Esposito (born 30 September 1970 in Naples) is an Italian former professional footballer who played as a forward for Empoli, Fiorentina, Sampdoria and Vicenza, among other Italian clubs.
- Laura Carmine
Laura Carmine (born Laura Yliana Carmine Miranda; April 2, 1983) is a Puerto Rican-born actress who currently resides in Mexico.
- Carmine Gallo
Carmine Gallo (born July 26, 1965) is an American author, columnist, keynote speaker, and former journalist and news anchor.
- Carmine Gorga
Carmine Gorga (born December 8, 1935) is an Italian political scientist naturalized American working as President of The Somist Institute.
- Carmine Tommasone
Carmine Tommasone (born 30 March 1984) is an Italian boxer.
- Carmine Setola
Carmine Setola (born 13 January 1999) is an Italian footballer who plays for Serie C team Virtus Francavilla on loan from Siena.
- Carmine Di Sibio
Carmine Di Sibio is an Italian-born American business executive.
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Carmine Numerology: Name Carmine has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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