What does the name Carmichael mean? What is the meaning of the name Carmichael
Meaning of Carmichael: Name Carmichael in the English origin, means A surname. One who comes from the Michael's fort. Name Carmichael is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Carmichael are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Carmichael: A surname. One who comes from the Michael's fort
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Famous people with name Carmichael (Namesakes)
- Alistair Carmichael
Alexander Morrison "Alistair" Carmichael (born 15 July 1965) is a Liberal Democrat politician and has served as the Member of Parliament (MP) for Orkney and Shetland since the 2001 general election.
- Jesse Carmichael
Jesse Royal Carmichael (born April 2, 1979) is an American musician, singer and songwriter.
- Ricky Carmichael
Ricky Carmichael (born November 27, 1979 in Clearwater, Florida) is an American former professional motocross and stock car racing driver.
- Katy Carmichael
Katy Jane Carmichael (born 5 March 1970) is an English actress, director and producer.
- Pete Carmichael Jr.
Peter Edwards "Pete" Carmichael Jr. (born October 6, 1971) is an American football coach who is currently the offensive coordinator for the New Orleans Saints of the National Football League (NFL).
- Laura Carmichael
Laura Elizabeth Carmichael (born 16 July 1986) is an English film and television actress, most widely known for her performance as Lady Edith Crawley in the ITV (UK) and PBS (US) television period drama series Downton Abbey.
- Roc Carmichael
Rashad Bernard "Roc" Carmichael (born September 9, 1988) is a former American football cornerback.
- Caitlin Carmichael
Caitlin Elizabeth Carmichael (born July 2, 2004) is an American teen actress.
- Emily Carmichael (filmmaker)
Emily Carmichael (born January 27, 1982) is an American film director, screenwriter, and animator.
- Harold Carmichael
Lee Harold Carmichael (born September 22, 1949) is a former American football wide receiver in the National Football League (NFL) who played 13 seasons for the Philadelphia Eagles (1971–1983) and one season for the Dallas Cowboys (1984).
- Ralph Carmichael
Ralph Carmichael (born May 27, 1927) is an American composer and arranger of both secular pop music and contemporary Christian music, being regarded as one of the pioneers of the latter genre as well as the father of Christian rock.
- David Carmichael
David Carmichael is an American chef, specializing in pastry.
- Todd Carmichael
Todd Carmichael is an American entrepreneur, adventure traveler, philanthropist, television personality, author, inventor, and producer.
- Jack Carmichael
Jack Carmichael (born 11 November 1948) is an English former professional footballer who played as a central defender.
- Judy Carmichael
Judy Carmichael (born November 27, 1957) is a Grammy-nominated jazz pianist and vocalist who is one of the few jazz pianists honored as a Steinway Artist.
- Jackie Carmichael
Jackie Carmichael (born January 2, 1990) is an American professional basketball player for JL Bourg of LNB Pro A. He was a standout college player at Illinois State University before playing professionally in Spain, Israel, Turkey, Russia and Lebanon.
- Mitch Carmichael
Mitchell Carmichael (born April 15, 1960) is an American politician.
- Jerrod Carmichael
Jerrod Carmichael ( jə-ROD; born June 22, 1987) is an American stand-up comedian, actor, and writer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Carmichael Numerology: Name Carmichael has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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