What does the name Carli mean? What is the meaning of the name Carli
Meaning of Carli: Name Carli in the English origin, means Woman who loves her freedom. Name Carli is of English origin and is a Girl name. People with name Carli are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Carli (Namesakes)
- Patricia Carli
Patricia Carli (born Rosetta Ardito on 12 March 1938) is an Italian-Belgian singer.
- Carli Muñoz
Carlos C. Muñoz, better known as Carli Munoz or Carli Muñoz (born October 16, 1948), is a self-taught Puerto Rican jazz and rock pianist, best known for touring with The Beach Boys in the 1970s.
- Carli Lloyd
Carli Anne Hollins (née Lloyd; born July 16, 1982), known as Carli Lloyd, is an American soccer player.
- Carli Norris
Carli Jo Norris (born 23 June 1974) is an English actress, known for her roles as Anoushka Flynn in Doctors, Martha Kane in Hollyoaks and Belinda Peacock in EastEnders.
- Carli Lloyd (volleyball)
Carli Ellen Lloyd (born August 6, 1989) is an American indoor volleyball player, a member of the United States women's national volleyball team, a bronze medalist at the 2016 Summer Olympics, and a gold medalist of the 2015 Pan American Games.
- Carli de Murga
Carlos Alberto "Carli" Martínez de Murga Olaivar (born 30 November 1988), commonly referred to as Carli de Murga, is a Filipino footballer who plays for Thai club Chonburi as a defender or a right midfielder.
- Carli Renzi
Carli Renzi (born 24 October 1982) is an Australian judo competitor and wrestler.
- Joel Carli
Mauro Joel Carli (born 19 April 1986) is an Argentine footballer who plays for Brazilian club Botafogo as a central defender.
- Robert Carli
Robert Carli (born February 10, 1970) is a Canadian film and television composer and saxophonist.
- Sarah Carli
Sarah Carli (born 5 September 1994) is an Australian track and field athlete who specializes in the 400 metres hurdles.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Carli Numerology: Name Carli has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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