What does the name Camara mean? What is the meaning of the name Camara
Meaning of Camara: Name Camara in the African origin, means She is a teacher. Name Camara is of African origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Camara (Namesakes)
- Titi Camara
Aboubacar Sidiki "Titi" Camara (born 17 November 1972) is a Guinean former professional football Striker who was also the coach of the Guinean national team, which he captained and played for.
- Henri Camara
Henri Camara (born 10 May 1977) is a Senegalese former footballer who played as a striker.
- Mo Camara
Mohamed "Mo" Camara (born 25 June 1975) is a Guinean former professional footballer.
- Souleymane Camara
Souleymane Camara (born 22 December 1982) is a Senegalese footballer who plays as a forward for French Ligue 1 club Montpellier HSC. He is a former Senegal international and has represented his nation at the 2002 FIFA World Cup.
- Zoumana Camara
Zoumana Camara (born 3 April 1979) is a French former professional footballer who played as a centre back.
- Moussa Dadis Camara
Captain Moussa Dadis Camara (born 1 January 1964) now called Moïse Dadis Camara is an ex-officer of the Guinean army who served as the President of the Republic of Guinea's National Council for Democracy and Development (Conseil National de la Démocratie et du Développement, CNDD), which seized power in a military coup d'état on 23 December 2008 after the death of long-time President and dictator Lansana Conté.
- Fassawa Camara
Fassawa Camara (born January 10, 1983) is a Guinean-born Indonesian professional footballer who currently plays as a midfielder.
- Demba Camara
Aboubacar Demba Camara (born 7 November 1994) is a Guinean professional footballer who plays as a striker.
- Gaston Camara
Gaston Camara (31 March 1996) is a Guinean football winger who currently plays for Serie D club Sammaurese Calcio.
- Daouda Camara
Daouda Camara (born 20 August 1997) is a Guinean footballer.
- Mady Camara
Mohamed Mady Camara (born 28 February 1997) is a Guinean professional footballer who plays as a defensive midfielder for Greek club Olympiacos and the Guinea national team.
- Oumar Camara
Oumar Camara (born 19 August 1992) is a Senegalese-born French professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Greek club Panionios.
- Mohamed Ali Camara
Mohamed Ali Camara (born 28 August 1997) is a Guinean professional footballer who plays as a centre-back for the Swiss club Young Boys.
- Mahdi Camara
Mahdi Camara (born 30 June 1998) is a French professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Saint-Étienne.
- Aguibou Camara
Aguibou Camara (born 20 May 2001) is a Guinean professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for the French club Lille II.
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Camara Numerology: Name Camara has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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