What does the name Butcher mean? What is the meaning of the name Butcher
Meaning of Butcher: Name Butcher in the English origin, means An occupational name - butcher. Name Butcher is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Butcher are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Butcher: An occupational name - butcher
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Famous people with name Butcher (Namesakes)
- Mark Butcher
Mark Alan Butcher (born 23 August 1972) is a retired English Test cricketer, who played county cricket for Surrey from 1992 until his retirement from the sport in 2009.
- Terry Butcher
Terence Ian Butcher (born 28 December 1958) is an English former professional footballer and manager.
- Abdullah the Butcher
Lawrence Robert Shreve (born January 11, 1941), better known by the ring name Abdullah the Butcher, is a Canadian retired professional wrestler.
- Paul Butcher (actor)
Paul Matthew Hawke Butcher Jr. (born February 14, 1994) is an American actor and singer.
- Alan Butcher
Alan Raymond Butcher (born 7 January 1954) is a former English cricketer who is part of a family known for its strong cricketing connections.
- Necro Butcher
Dylan Keith Summers (born July 13, 1973) is an American professional wrestler best known by his ring name Necro Butcher.
- Adam Butcher
Adam Butcher (born October 20, 1988) is a Canadian actor.
- Bilinda Butcher
Bilinda Jayne Butcher (born 16 September 1961) is an English musician and singer-songwriter, best known as a vocalist and guitarist of the shoegaze band My Bloody Valentine.
- Jim Butcher
Jim Butcher (born October 26, 1971) is an American author.
- Jon Butcher
Jon Butcher (born May 5, 1955) is an American rock, blues songwriter, guitarist and freelance multimedia producer.
- Tom Butcher
Thomas Alfred Butcher (born 29 June 1963 in Stamford) is an English actor.
- Mandy Butcher
Mandy Butcher (born November 28, 1986) is a Canadian actress.
- Matt Butcher
Matt Butcher (born 5 August 1983 in Birmingham, England) is an English folk, Americana, country, independent recording artist from Orlando, Florida.
- Rhea Butcher
Rhea Butcher (born August 12, 1982) is an American stand-up comedian, actor, writer, producer, and podcast host.
- Will Butcher
Will Butcher (born January 6, 1995) is an American professional ice hockey defenseman for the New Jersey Devils of the National Hockey League (NHL).
- Benny the Butcher
Jeremie Pennick (born November 27, 1984), known professionally as Benny the Butcher (sometimes stylized as B.E.N.N.Y. the Butcher, or simply Benny), is an American rapper from Buffalo, New York.
- Aleem
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Butcher Numerology: Name Butcher has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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