What does the name Burrell mean? What is the meaning of the name Burrell
Meaning of Burrell: Name Burrell in the English origin, means One who lives by the swamps. Name Burrell is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Burrell are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Burrell (Namesakes)
- Ty Burrell
Tyler Gerald Burrell (born August 22, 1967) is an American actor and comedian.
- Pat Burrell
Patrick Brian Burrell (born October 10, 1976), nicknamed "Pat the Bat", is an American former professional baseball outfielder, who played in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the Philadelphia Phillies, Tampa Bay Rays, and San Francisco Giants, and won two World Series championships (2008, 2010).
- Burrell Smith
Burrell Carver Smith (born December 16, 1955) is an American engineer who, while working at Apple Computer, designed the motherboard (digital circuit board) for the original Macintosh.
- Kenny Burrell
Kenneth Earl Burrell (born July 31, 1931) is an American jazz guitarist known for his work on the Blue Note label.
- Leroy Burrell
Leroy Russel Burrell (born February 21, 1967) is an American former track and field athlete, who twice set the world record for the 100 m sprint.
- Anne Burrell
Anne W. Burrell (born September 21, 1969) is an American chef, television personality, and former instructor at the Institute of Culinary Education.
- Scott Burrell
Scott David Burrell (born January 12, 1971) is an American basketball coach and former player who is currently the men's basketball head coach at Southern Connecticut State University.
- Paul Burrell
Paul Burrell, RVM (born (1958-06-06)6 June 1958) is a former servant of the British Royal Household.
- Clinton Burrell
Clinton Blane Burrell (born September 4, 1956) is a former professional American football defensive back in the National Football League (NFL).
- Maryedith Burrell
Maryedith Ann Burrell (née Smith, born May 20, 1952) is an American film and television producer, writer, actress, and documentarian best known for starring roles on the television series Fridays, Throb, Ron Howard's Parenthood, and The Jackie Thomas Show as well as recurring roles in the television series Seinfeld and Home Improvement.
- Ronnie Burrell
Ronnie Burrell (born July 21, 1983) is an American former professional basketball player who is currently an assistant coach for the Long Island Nets of the NBA G League.
- Brian Burrell
Brian Thomas Burrell (Chinese: 布偉傑, born March 23, 1972) is an American–Chinese actor best known for his roles in Cantonese television productions in Hong Kong.
- Stanley Burrell (basketball)
Stanley Dewayne Burrell, Jr. (born September 16, 1984) is an American professional basketball player who last played for Energa Czarni Słupsk of the Polish Basketball League.
- Nah-Shon Burrell
Nah-Shon Burrell (born February 5, 1990) is an American professional mixed martial artist currently competing in the Middleweight division.
- Ian Burrell
Ian Burrell (born February 15, 1985) is an American long distance runner who specialises in the marathon.
- Justin Burrell
Justin Burrell (born April 18, 1988) is an American professional basketball player for Nagoya Diamond Dolphins in Japan.
- Cameron Burrell
Cameron Burrell (born September 11, 1994) is an American male sprinter.
- Trahson Burrell
Trahson Burrell (born November 16, 1992) is an American professional basketball player who last played for the Texas Legends of the NBA G League.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Burrell Numerology: Name Burrell has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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