What does the name Burkhardt mean? What is the meaning of the name Burkhardt
Meaning of Burkhardt: Name Burkhardt in the German origin, means A man with the strenght of a fortress. Name Burkhardt is of German origin and is a Boy name. People with name Burkhardt are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Burkhardt (Namesakes)
- Edward Burkhardt
Edward Arnold Burkhardt is a railroad executive, the founder and current chairman of Rail World Inc.
- Delara Burkhardt
Delara Burkhardt is a German politician of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) who has been serving as a Member of the European Parliament since 2019.
- Vivian Burkhardt
Vivian Charlott Burkhardt (born January 24, 1986) is a beauty queen who represented Grenada in Miss World 2007 in Sanya, People's Republic of China, where she placed as one of the semi-finalists.
- Filip Burkhardt
Filip Burkhardt (born March 23, 1987 in Poznań) is a Polish footballer who plays for Radunia Stężyca.
- Marcin Burkhardt
Marcin Burkhardt (Polish pronunciation: [ˈmart͡ɕin ˈburkˌxart]; born 25 September 1983 in Elbląg) is a Polish footballer who currently plays as a midfielder for Gryf Wejherowo.
- Brandi Burkhardt
Brandi Lynn Burkhardt (born June 25, 1979) is an American television and film actress, and former Miss New York.
- Kevin Burkhardt
Kevin Burkhardt (born March 2, 1974) is an American sportscaster.
- Vivian Burkhardt
Vivian Charlott Burkhardt (born January 24, 1986) is a beauty queen who represented Grenada in Miss World 2007 in Sanya, People's Republic of China, where she placed as one of the semi-finalists.
- Thorsten Burkhardt
- Edward Burkhardt
Edward Arnold Burkhardt is a railroad executive, the founder and current chairman of Rail World Inc.
- Delara Burkhardt
Delara Burkhardt is a German politician of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) who has been serving as a Member of the European Parliament since 2019.
- Filip Burkhardt
Filip Burkhardt (born March 23, 1987 in Poznań) is a Polish footballer who plays for Radunia Stężyca.
- Marcin Burkhardt
Marcin Burkhardt (Polish pronunciation: [ˈmart͡ɕin ˈburkˌxart]; born 25 September 1983 in Elbląg) is a Polish footballer who currently plays as a midfielder for Gryf Wejherowo.
- Brandi Burkhardt
Brandi Lynn Burkhardt (born June 25, 1979) is an American television and film actress, and former Miss New York.
- Kevin Burkhardt
Kevin Burkhardt (born March 2, 1974) is an American sportscaster.
- Thorsten Burkhardt
Do you know any famous people named Burkhardt, let us know and we would update the information.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Burkhardt Numerology: Name Burkhardt has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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