What does the name Brydon mean? What is the meaning of the name Brydon?
Meaning of Brydon: Name Brydon in the English origin, means A person from the hill. Name Brydon is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Brydon are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Brydon (Namesakes)
- Rob Brydon
Robert Brydon Jones, (born 3 May 1965) is a Welsh comedian, actor, radio and television presenter, singer and impressionist.
- Emily Brydon
Emily Brydon (born April 21, 1980 in Fernie, British Columbia) is a Canadian former alpine skier.
- Paul Brydon
Paul David Brydon (born 8 December 1951) is a former road and track cyclist from New Zealand, who won the bronze medal in the men's 4000 m team pursuit at the 1974 Commonwealth Games in his native Christchurch.
- Lee Brydon
- W.B. Brydon
W.B. Brydon (born 20 September 1933), born William Brydon Bell, is an English actor, born in Newcastle upon Tyne.
Brydon spent the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s as an actor, best known for The Age of Innocence (1993), playing the bank manager in Trading Places (1983) and The Adams Chronicles (1976).
W.B. was known as the voice-over actor for commercials including Oxy 10, Oxy Clean from the 1980s to mid-1990s.
- Brydon Coverdale
Brydon Coverdale (born 18 September 1981) is an Australian quiz personality best known for being one of the "chasers" on The Chase Australia, where he is nicknamed "The Shark".
Coverdale grew up in Camperdown in Victoria.
- Brydon Carse
Brydon Alexander Carse (born 31 July 1995) is an English–South African cricketer who plays for Durham County Cricket Club.
- Stewart Brydon
Stewart Brydon (born 1967) is a Scottish male former cyclist, a multiple national champion on the track in the sprint (six times), twice tandem champion with Eddie Alexander and a winner of the Keirin and team sprint titles.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Brydon Numerology: Name Brydon has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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