
What does the name Brent mean? What is the meaning of the name Brent?

Meaning of Brent: Name Brent in the English, United States origin, means A place located at a height. Name Brent is of English, United States origin and is a Boy name. People with name Brent are usually Christianity by religion.

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A place located at a height
1 word with 5 characters
Pythagorean Numerology
Indian Vedic Numerology
Nakshatra (Birth Star)
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Meaning and Origin

Meaning and Origin
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Example: Arun of Sanskrit origin - [ अरुण ]

Example: Arun of Sanskrit origin - [ ARR-UHN ]


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Famous people with name Brent (Namesakes)

  1. Brent Owens

    Brent Owens (born 23 August 1989) is an Australian cook.

  2. Brent Spiner

    Brent Jay Spiner (; born February 2, 1949) is an American actor, comedian, musician and singer best known for his portrayal of the android Data in the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation and four subsequent films.

  3. Brent Scowcroft

    Brent Scowcroft (; born March 19, 1925) is a former United States Air Force officer who was a two-time United States National Security Advisor - first under U.S. President Gerald Ford and then under George H. W. Bush.

  4. Brent Barry

    Brent Robert Barry (born December 31, 1971), commonly known by the nickname "Bones", is an American basketball executive, broadcaster and former player.

  5. Brent Butt

    Brent Butt (born August 3, 1966) is a Canadian actor, comedian, and writer.

  6. Brent Musburger

    Brent Woody Musburger (born May 26, 1939) is an American sportscaster, currently the lead broadcaster and managing editor at Vegas Stats and Information Network (VSiN) and radio play-by-play voice for the Las Vegas Raiders.

  7. Brent Price

    Hartley Brent Price (born December 9, 1968) is an American retired professional basketball player who played for four teams in the National Basketball Association (NBA).

  8. Brent Morin

    Brent Morin (born August 31, 1986) is a Los Angeles-based American comedian, actor and writer.

  9. Brent Forrester

    Brent Forrester (born May 12, 1967) is an American writer and producer, who wrote several episodes of the animated television sitcom The Simpsons between 1993 and 1997.

  10. Brent Hinds

    William Brent Hinds (born January 16, 1974) is an American musician best known as a member of the Atlanta, Georgia metal band Mastodon, in which he shares guitar duties with Bill Kelliher and vocal duties with Troy Sanders and Brann Dailor.

  11. Brent Celek

    Brent Steven Celek (; born January 25, 1985) is an American football executive and former tight end who is currently a personnel consultant for the Philadelphia Eagles of the National Football League (NFL).

  12. Brent Smith

    Brent Stephen Smith (born January 10, 1978) is an American singer, songwriter, and musician best known as the lead vocalist of the band Shinedown.

  13. Brent Grimes

    Brent Omar Grimes (born July 19, 1983) is a former American football cornerback.

  14. Brent Metcalf

    Brent Metcalf (born July 14, 1986) is an American amateur wrestler who formerly competed in the international circuit for the United States of America.

  15. Brent Weeks

    Brent Weeks (born March 7, 1977) is an American fantasy writer.

  16. Josh Brent

    Joshua Aaron Price-Brent (born January 30, 1988) is a former American football defensive tackle who played for the Dallas Cowboys of the National Football League (NFL).

  17. Brent Sexton

    Brent Sexton (born August 12, 1967) is an American actor best known for his roles in the television series Bosch, The Killing, Life, and Deadwood.

  18. Brent Faiyaz

    Christopher Brent Wood (born September 19, 1995), better known by his stage name Brent Faiyaz, is an American singer and record producer.

  19. Brent Antonello

    Brent Antonello (born August 25, 1989) is an American actor, best known for his portrayal of Jude Kinkade in VH1's Hit the Floor.

  20. Brent Rivera

    Brent Austin Rivera (born January 9, 1998) is an American YouTuber, social media personality and actor.

Do you know any famous people named Brent, let us know and we would update the information.

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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details

Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5

Baby Name Brent Numerology: Name Brent has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about name Brent

What is the meaning of Brent?
Name Brent means A place located at a height as per The ParentZ Baby Name Finder, largest baby names list. Learn more Brent Name Meaning and Origin.
What is the numerology of baby name Brent?
Name Brent has numerology 9 as per The ParentZ.
What is the lucky number of name Brent?
The lucky number of name Brent is 9 as per number numerology.
What is the length of Brent name?
The name Brent has 5 letters. The name Brent consists of 1 word with 5 characters.
Where does the name Brent come from?
Brent is a English, United States name given to Boys as per The ParentZ.
What is the origin of the name Brent?
The name Brent is of English, United States origin and is used within Christianity communities.
What does Brent mean?
Name Brent means A place located at a height as per The ParentZ
What does the name Brent mean?
Brent is of English, United States origin and means A place located at a height as per The ParentZ
What is the meaning and origin of the baby name Brent?
Brent means A place located at a height and is a English, United States name given to Boys as per The ParentZ
How can I suggest alternate meaning of the name Brent?
You can use our suggest meaning and origin form to suggest alternate meaning of the name Brent.