What does the name Brenner mean? What is the meaning of the name Brenner
Meaning of Brenner: Name Brenner in the German, English origin, means Someone who does the job of burning things. Name Brenner is of German, English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Brenner are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Brenner (Namesakes)
- Hoby Brenner
Hoby F. J. Brenner (born June 2, 1959) is a former American football tight end who played professionally in the National Football League (NFL) for the New Orleans Saints.
- Lisa Brenner
Lisa Dawn Brenner (née.
- Marie Brenner
Marie Harriet Brenner (born December 15, 1949) is an American author, investigative journalist and writer-at-large for Vanity Fair.
- Robert Brenner
Robert Paul Brenner (; born November 28, 1943) is a professor emeritus of history and director of the Center for Social Theory and Comparative History at UCLA, editor of the socialist journal Against the Current, and editorial committee member of New Left Review.
- Albert Brenner
Albert Brenner (born February 17, 1926) is an American production designer and art director.
- Guillaume Brenner
Guillaume Walter Brenner (born February 10, 1986 in Beauvais, France) is a naturalized Togolese football midfielder, who played for Alki Larnaca in the Cypriot First Division.
- Andrew Brenner
Andrew O. Brenner (born January 14, 1971) is a U.S. Republican party politician and member of the Ohio Senate, currently serving his first term for the 19th Senate District.
- Dan Brenner
Dan Brenner (born Daniel Abraham Brenner, December 19, 1963) is an American songwriter, composer, and musician.
- Gilles Paquet-Brenner
Gilles Paquet-Brenner (born 14 September 1974) is a French director and screenwriter.
- Tyler Brenner
Tyler Brenner (born April 5, 1988) is a Canadian professional ice hockey defenceman.
- Athalya Brenner
Athalya Brenner-Idan (born 17 July 1943 in Haifa, Israel) is a Dutch-Israeli biblical scholar known for her contribution to feminist biblical studies.
- Sam Brenner
Samuel Callaghan Brenner (born April 27, 1990 in Oceanside, California) is an American football center who is currently a free agent.
- Anthony Brenner
Anthony Brenner (born November 28, 1959) is a Canadian-born German former ice hockey player.
- Ève Brenner
Ève Brenner (born 11 September 1941) is a French opera singer notable for her voice which could cover five octaves.
- Charles Brenner (mathematician)
- For other persons named Charles Brenner, see Charles Brenner (disambiguation).
Charles Hallam Brenner is an American mathematician who is the originator of forensic mathematics.
- Brenner (footballer)
Brenner Souza da Silva (born 16 January 2000), simply known as Brenner, is a Brazilian professional footballer who plays as forward for São Paulo FC.
- Brenner Marlos
Brenner Marlos Varanda de Oliveira (born 1 March 1994), known as Brenner, is a Brazilian footballer who plays as a forward for Bangkok United
- Brenner Alves Sabino
Brenner Alves Sabino commonly known as Brenner (born February 10, 1999), is a Brazilian professional footballer who plays as a forward for Iwate Grulla Morioka.
- Marco Brenner
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Brenner Numerology: Name Brenner has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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