What does the name Branden mean? What is the meaning of the name Branden?
Meaning of Branden: Name Branden in the English origin, means A hill that is covered with gorse. Name Branden is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Branden are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Branden (Namesakes)
- Branden Steineckert
Branden Steineckert (born April 21, 1978), is the drummer for the punk rock band Rancid, and a founding member and previous drummer of The Used.
- Branden Lee Hinkle
Branden Lee Hinkle is a retired American professional mixed martial artist.
- Branden Ore
Branden Ore (born February 17, 1986 in Norfolk, Virginia) is a former college football running back for West Liberty University.
- Branden Albert
Branden Albert (born November 4, 1984) is a former American football offensive tackle who played nine seasons in the National Football League (NFL).
- Branden Durst
Branden John Durst (born January 15, 1980) is a former center-right, pro-life, Evangelical Christian politician from Boise, Idaho.
- Branden Grace
Branden John Grace (born 20 May 1988) is a professional golfer from South Africa who currently plays on the European Tour, the PGA Tour, and the Sunshine Tour.
- Branden Oliver
Branden Oliver (born May 7, 1991) is a professional gridiron football running back for the Hamilton Tiger-Cats of the Canadian Football League (CFL).
- Branden Ledbetter
Branden Ledbetter (born May 2, 1986) is a former American football tight end.
- Branden Turepu
Branden Turepu (born 25 July 1990) in the Cook Islands is a footballer who plays as a Defender.
- Branden Pinder
Branden Henry Pinder (born January 26, 1989) is an American former professional baseball pitcher.
- Branden Kline
Branden Alexander Kline (born September 29, 1991) is an American professional baseball pitcher for the Baltimore Orioles of Major League Baseball (MLB).
- Branden Jacobs-Jenkins
Branden Jacobs-Jenkins is an American playwright.
- Branden Dawson
Branden James Dawson (born February 1, 1993) is an American professional basketball player who last played for Bnei Herzliya of the Israeli National League.
- Branden James
Branden James Smith (born June 19, 1978), known as Branden James, is an American tenor who has performed as a soloist with American symphony orchestras.
- Branden Jackson
Branden Jackson (born November 11, 1992) is an American football defensive end for the Seattle Seahawks of the National Football League (NFL).
- Branden Fitelson
Branden Fitelson (born August 17, 1969 in Syracuse, NY) is an American philosopher and Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at Northeastern University.
- Branden Horton
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Branden Numerology: Name Branden has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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