What does the name Brahim mean? What is the meaning of the name Brahim
Meaning of Brahim: Name Brahim in the Indian origin, means Brahma; Creator of the Universe; Supreme Being. Name Brahim is of Indian origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Brahim (Namesakes)
- Brahim Sabaouni
Brahim Sabaouni (13 May 1995) is a French-born Moroccan professional football player who currently plays for the reserve team of Royal Football Club Seraing.
- Brahim Zafour
Brahim Zafour (in kabyle: Brahim Zafur; born November 30, 1977 in Tizi Ouzou) is a former Algerian football player.
- Brahim Hemdani
Brahim Hemdani (born 15 March 1978) is an Algerian former professional footballer who played as a defensive midfielder.
- Ahmat Brahim
Ahmat Brahim (born 8 December 1982) is a Chadian footballer.
- Brahim Zaari
Brahim Zaari (Arabic: إبراهيم زعري; born 12 October 1989 in Schaijk) is a Moroccan footballer who plays for Raja Casablanca.
- Brahim Takioullah
Brahim Takioullah (born 26 January 1982 in Guelmim, Morocco) is a Moroccan man who formerly held the Guinness World Record for largest feet and is officially the second-tallest living person.
- Brahim Ghali
Brahim Ghali () (Arabic: إبراهيم غالي, Spanish: Brahim Gali; born 16 September 1949) is the current president of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) and former SADR Ambassador to Algeria.
- Brahim Darri
Brahim Darri (born 14 September 1994) is a Dutch footballer who plays as a winger for Turkish club Fatih Karagümrük and for the Netherlands U-19 team.
- Brahim Attaeb
Brahim Attaeb better known by his stage name and mononym Brahim (born in Torhout, Belgium on 24 February 1984), is a Belgian R&B singer and presenter of Moroccan descent.
- Hassane Brahim
Hassane Brahim (13 November 1989) is a Chadian professional football player.
- Yassine Brahim
Yassine Brahim (Arabic: ياسين إبراهيم; born 20 February 1966 in Mahdia, Tunisia) is a Tunisian engineer, manager and politician.
- Brahim Konaté
Brahim Konaté (born 20 March 1996) is a French footballer who currently plays for Ligue 2 club Chamois Niortais as a midfielder.
- Brahim Nekkach
Brahim Nekkach (born February 15, 1982) is a Moroccan footballer currently playing for Botola side Wydad Casablanca as a midfielder.
- Brahim Kaazouzi
Brahim Kaazouzi (born 15 June 1990) is a Moroccan middle-distance runner who specialises in the 1500 metres.
- Brahim Díaz
Brahim Abdelkader Díaz (Spanish pronunciation: [bɾaˈin ˈdi.aθ]; born 3 August 1999), known as Brahim, is a Spanish professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for La Liga club Real Madrid and the Spanish under-21 national team.
- Brahim Hammouche
- Brahim Karabi
Brahim Karabi (born 5 September 1933) is a Tunisian sprinter.
- Brahim Izdag
Brahim Izdag (born 2 May 1966) is a Moroccan alpine skier.
- Abdulqudus
- Abdulrauf
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Brahim Numerology: Name Brahim has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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