What does the name Boyd mean? What is the meaning of the name Boyd
Meaning of Boyd: Name Boyd in the Gaelic origin, means one with yellow hair. Name Boyd is of Gaelic origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Boyd (Namesakes)
- Brandon Boyd
Brandon Charles Boyd (born February 15, 1976) is an American singer, songwriter, musician, author, and visual artist.
- Boyd Rice
- Liona Boyd
- Tommy Boyd
Timothy Leslie Boyd (born 14 December 1952), better known as Tommy Boyd, is a British radio presenter.
- Joe Boyd
Joe Boyd (born August 5, 1942) is an American record producer and writer.
- Pattie Boyd
Patricia Anne Boyd (born 17 March 1944) is an English model and photographer.
- Boyd Tinsley
Boyd Calvin Tinsley (born May 16, 1964) is an American violinist and mandolinist who is best known for having been a member of the Dave Matthews Band.
- Jenna Boyd
Jenna Michelle Boyd (born March 4, 1993) is an American actress.
- Darren Boyd
Darren John Boyd (born 30 January 1971) is a British actor who starred in the Sky 1 series Spy, for which he won a BAFTA award.
- Jenny Boyd
Helen Mary "Jenny" Boyd (born 8 November 1947) is a British former model.
- Kris Boyd
Kris Boyd (born 18 August 1983) is a Scottish former professional footballer.
- Darius Boyd
Darius Boyd (born 17 July 1987) is an Australian professional rugby league footballer who plays as a fullback, five eighth and on the wing for the Brisbane Broncos in the NRL and has played for Australia at international level and State of Origin for QLD. Boyd captained the Brisbane Broncos from 2017-2019.
- Will Boyd
William James Boyd (born April 27, 1979), is the former bass guitarist of alternative metal band Evanescence.
Boyd became a full-time member of Evanescence in June 2003, but had co-written two of their unreleased songs, "October" and "So Close," prior to that.
- Boyd Gaines
Boyd Payne Gaines (born May 11, 1953) is an American actor.
- Lynda Boyd
Lynda Boyd (born January 28, 1965) is a Canadian actress, singer, dancer, musician, and writer.
- Boyd Holbrook
Robert Boyd Holbrook (born September 1, 1981) is an American actor and model.
- Lucious Boyd
Lucious Boyd (born March 22, 1959) is an American convicted murderer, rapist, and suspected serial killer.
- Cayden Boyd
Cayden Boyd (born May 24, 1994) is an American actor.
- Tajh Boyd
Tajh Boyd (born September 25, 1990) is a former American football quarterback.
- Boyd Rutherford
Boyd Kevin Rutherford (born April 1, 1957) is an American Republican politician from Maryland who is the ninth and current Lieutenant Governor of Maryland, serving since January 21, 2015.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Boyd Numerology: Name Boyd has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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