What does the name Borg mean? What is the meaning of the name Borg
Meaning of Borg: Name Borg in the Norway, Norse origin, means From the castle.. Name Borg is of Norway, Norse origin and is a Boy name. People with name Borg are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Borg (Namesakes)
- Björn Borg
Björn Rune Borg (Swedish pronunciation: [ˈbjœːɳ ˈbɔrj] (listen); born 6 June 1956) is a Swedish former world No.
- Nicke Borg
Niklas Roger "Nicke" Borg, born April 3, 1973 in Nässjö, is a Swedish singer and guitarist in the band Backyard Babies.
- Hasse Borg
Hasse Kristian Borg (born 4 August 1953 in Örebro, Sweden) is a former Swedish football defender who represented his country at the 1978 FIFA World Cup.
- Anders Borg
Anders Erik Borg (born 11 January 1968) is a Swedish politician who served as Minister for Finance in the Swedish government from 2006 to 2014.
- Tonio Borg
Tonio Borg (born 12 May 1957) is a Maltese politician who was the European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy replacing John Dalli as member of the College of the European Commission in the second Barroso Commission.
- O. J. Borg
- Andy Borg
Adolf Andreas Meyer (born 2 November 1960), best known by his stage name Andy Borg, is an Austrian Schlager singer and TV presenter.
- Paul Borg Olivier
Paul Borg Olivier (born 1 September 1969) is a Maltese politician, former mayor of the Maltese capital city Valletta and Secretary-General of the Nationalist Party.
- Kevin Borg
Kevin James Borg (born 9 June 1986, in Floriana, Malta), is a Maltese pop singer who lives and works in Sweden.
- Steve Borg
Steve Borg (born 15 May 1988 in Mosta, Malta) is a footballer who currently plays for Maltese Premier League side Valletta and the Malta national football team, where he plays as a defender.
- Freddy Borg
Freddy Jan Robert Borg (born 27 November 1983) is a Swedish footballer who plays for FC Höllviken as a forward.
- Jacob Borg
Jacob Borg is a Maltese footballer who plays as a defender for Finn Harps.
- Ray Borg
Raymond Anthony "Ray" Borg (born August 4, 1993), is an American mixed martial artist who competes in the flyweight division of the Ultimate Fighting Championship.
- Flula Borg
Flula Borg (English pronunciation: ) (German pronunciation: [flʊla] [bok]) (born 28 March 1982) is a German actor, musician, comedian, YouTube personality, and DJ who is also known simply as Flula (sometimes stylized as f|u|a) or DJ Flula.
- Tobias Borg
Tobias Carl Peter Borg (born 2 November 1993) is a Swedish professional basketball player for Real Betis Energía Plus of the LEB Oro.
- Mattias Borg
Mattias Borg (born 16 May 1991) is a Swedish male badminton player.
- Andrea Borg
Andrea Borg (born 12 November 1999) is a Maltese footballer who has played as a midfielder or a forward for Peterborough United.
- Margit Borg
Margit Borg (born 15 June 1969) is a Swedish badminton player, born in Mariestad.
- Brenda Borg
Brenda Borg (born 1 May 1997) is a Maltese footballer who plays as a forward and has appeared for the Malta women's national team.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Borg Numerology: Name Borg has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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