What does the name Bodo mean? What is the meaning of the name Bodo?
Meaning of Bodo: Name Bodo in the Germanic origin, means One who is messenger and a leader. Name Bodo is of Germanic origin and is a Boy name. People with name Bodo are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Bodo (Namesakes)
- Bodo Illgner
Bodo Illgner (German pronunciation: [ˈboːdoː ˈʔɪlɡnɐ]; born 7 April 1967) is a German retired footballer who played as a goalkeeper.
- Bodo Tümmler
Bodo Tümmler (born 8 December 1943) is a German former middle-distance runner.
- Bodo Ramelow
Bodo Ramelow (German pronunciation: [ˈboːdoː ˈʁaməloː]; born 16 February 1956) is a German politician, who since the 4 March 2020 is serving as Minister President of Thuringia, an office he previously held from 2014 to February 2020.
- Bodo Rudwaleit
Bodo Rudwaleit (born 3 August 1957 in Woltersdorf (bei Berlin)) is a former German former football goalkeeper who played in East Germany.
- Bodo Schmidt
Bodo Schmidt (born September 3, 1967 in Niebüll) is a German football coach and a former player who manages SV Frisia 03 Risum-Lindholm.
- Bodo Sperling
Bodo Sperling (born 6 May 1952) is a German artist, painter and inventor.
- Bodo Sieber
Bodo Sieber (born 10 January 1979) is a former German international rugby union player, playing for the University of Cape Town RFC and the German national rugby union team.
- Bodo Dettke
Heinz Horst Bodo Dettke, better known as Bodo Dettke, born 27 February 1967, is a Solomon Islands politician.
- Bodo Bockenauer
Bodo Bockenauer (born 22 December 1940) is a German former figure skater.
- Bodo Klimpel
Bodo Klimpel (born 12 November 1963) is a German politician (CDU).
- Baoringdao Bodo
Baoringdao Bodo (born 17 October 1999) is an Indian professional footballer who plays as a winger and Forward for Kerala Blasters FC (B).
- Bodo Kuhn
Bodo Kuhn (born 9 August 1967) is a German sprinter.
- Bodo Lukowski
Bodo Lukowski (born 2 June 1961) is a German wrestler.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Bodo Numerology: Name Bodo has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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