What does the name Blair mean? What is the meaning of the name Blair
Meaning of Blair: Name Blair in the Scottish origin, means Field Or Plain. Name Blair is of Scottish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Blair are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Blair (Namesakes)
- Jayson Blair
Jayson Thomas Blair (born March 23, 1976) is a former American journalist who worked for The New York Times.
- Selma Blair
Selma Blair Beitner (born June 23, 1972) is an American actress.
- Cherie Blair
Cherie Blair (née Booth; born 23 September 1954), also known professionally as Cherie Booth, is a British barrister, lecturer, and writer.
- Blair Brown
Bonnie Blair Brown (born April 23, 1946) is an American theater, film and television actress.
- Linda Blair
Linda Denise Blair (born January 22, 1959) is an American actress, producer, and activist.
- Blair Underwood
Blair Erwin Underwood (born August 25, 1964) is an American actor.
- Lionel Blair
Lionel Blair (born Henry Lionel Ogus; 12 December 1928) is a British actor, choreographer, tap dancer and television presenter.
- Blair Tefkin
Blair Tefkin (born December 9, 1959) is an American actress and singer-songwriter.
- Blair Redford
David Blair Redford (born July 27, 1983) is an American actor.
- Tony Blair
Anthony Charles Lynton Blair (born 6 May 1953) is a British politician who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1997 to 2007 and Leader of the Labour Party from 1994 to 2007.
- Ron Blair
Ronald Edward Blair (born September 16, 1948 in San Diego, California) is an American musician notable for being the bassist for Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers.
- Isla Blair
Isla Blair (born 29 September 1944) is a British actress and singer.
- June Blair
Margaret June Blair (born October 20, 1933, San Francisco, California) is an American model and actress.
- Blair Thomas
Blair Lamar Thomas (born October 7, 1967) is a former professional American football running back in the National Football League for the New York Jets, New England Patriots, Dallas Cowboys, Atlanta Falcons and Carolina Panthers.
- Blair Dunlop
Blair Dunlop (born 11 February 1992) is an English musician and actor.
- Bre Blair
Sarah Brianne "Bre" Blair (born April 29, 1980) is a Canadian actress.
- Blair Tindall
Blair Tindall (born February 2, 1960) is an American oboist, performer, producer, speaker, and journalist.
- Blair Herter
Blair Joseph Herter (born June 23, 1980) is an American television personality, known for his appearances on TV series such as Road Rules: The Quest, Real World/Road Rules Challenge, Attack of the Show!, X-Play and American Ninja Warrior.
- Wayne Blair
Wayne Blair (born 28 November 1971) is an Aboriginal Australian writer, actor and director, seen most recently on both sides of the camera in Redfern Now.
- Marquise Blair
Marquise Blair (born July 18, 1997) is an American football safety for the Seattle Seahawks of the National Football League (NFL).
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Blair Numerology: Name Blair has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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