What does the name Bjarne mean? What is the meaning of the name Bjarne?
Meaning of Bjarne: Name Bjarne means A variant of Bjorn (Bjrn,Bjrn) meaning Bear, common in Denmark and Norway.. Name Bjarne is a Boy name. People with name Bjarne are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Bjarne: A variant of Bjorn (Bjrn,Bjrn) meaning Bear, common in Denmark and Norway.
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Famous people with name Bjarne (Namesakes)
- Bjarne Stroustrup
Bjarne Stroustrup (; Danish: [ˈpjaːnə ˈstʁʌwˀstʁɔp]; born 30 December 1950) is a Danish computer scientist, most notable for the creation and development of the C++ programming language.
- Bjarne Riis
Bjarne Lykkegård Riis (born 3 April 1964), nicknamed The Eagle from Herning and MR. 60 (Danish: Ørnen fra Herning), is a Danish former professional road bicycle racer who placed first in the 1996 Tour de France.
- Bjarne Goldbæk
Bjarne Goldbæk (born 6 October 1968) is a Danish former professional footballer and current sports pundit for Eurosport.
- Bjarne Berntsen
Bjarne Berntsen (born 21 December 1956) is a Norwegian football coach and former player.
- Bjarne Pettersson
Bjarne Pettersson (born February 16, 1952) is a former Danish football player.
He most prominently played for Vanløse IF and Herfølge BK. He played 7 caps for the Denmark national football team and scored 3 goals.
- Bjarne Jensen (footballer)
Bjarne Jensen (born 16 April 1959) is a Danish former footballer, who played the majority of his career for Brøndby IF.
He gained four caps for the Denmark national team, in which he scored no goals.
Jensen played his final Brøndby game in November 1992, before ending his career.
- Bjarne Kortgaard Ingebretsen
Bjarne Kortgaard Ingebretsen (born 10 October 1987) is a Norwegian football midfielder and assistant coach for Mjøndalen.
- Bjarne Rønning
Bjarne Rønning (born 25 October 1953) is a Norwegian children's writer.
- Bjarne Røyland
Bjarne Røyland (born 26 January 1971) is a Norwegian bobsledder, born in Mandal.
- Bjarne Thoelke
- Bjarne Corydon
Bjarne Fog Corydon (born 1 March 1973) is a Danish former politician, who held office as a member of the Social Democrats.
- Bjarne Fiskum
- Bjarne Sørensen
Bjarne Sørensen (born 23 December 1954) is a Danish former cyclist.
- Bjarne Kristiansen
Bjarne Kristiansen (born 25 October 1937) is a Norwegian politician.
- Bjarne Pedersen (rower)
Bjarne Pedersen (born 18 January 1944) is a Danish rower.
- Bjarne Ansbøl
Bjarne Ansbøl (born 3 July 1937) is a Danish wrestler.
- Bjarne Mädel
Bjarne Mädel (born March 12, 1968) is a German actor.
- Bjarne Sognnæs
Bjarne Sognnæs (born 14 August 1966) is a retired Norwegian football defender.
- Bjarne Jørgensen
Bjarne Jørgensen (born 13 May 1933) is a Danish gymnast.
Do you know any famous people named Bjarne, let us know and we would update the information.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Bjarne Numerology: Name Bjarne has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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