What does the name Björn mean? What is the meaning of the name Björn?
Meaning of Björn: Name Björn in the Ancient Scandinavian origin, means In Norwegian and Danish the name means 'bear'. Variation of name 'Bjorn'.. Name Björn is of Ancient Scandinavian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Björn are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Björn: In Norwegian and Danish the name means 'bear'. Variation of name 'Bjorn'.
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Famous people with name Björn (Namesakes)
- Björn Ulvaeus
Björn Kristian Ulvaeus (credited as Björn Ulvæus [ˈbjœːɳ ɵlˈvěːɵs] (listen); born 25 April 1945) is a Swedish songwriter, producer, a member of the Swedish musical group ABBA, and co-composer of the musicals Chess, Kristina från Duvemåla, and Mamma Mia!.
- Björn Borg
Björn Rune Borg (Swedish pronunciation: [ˈbjœːɳ ˈbɔrj] (listen); born 6 June 1956) is a Swedish former world No.
- Björn Skifs
- Björn Andrésen
Björn Johan Andrésen (born 26 January 1955) is a Swedish actor and musician.
- Björn Wahlroos
Björn Arne Christer Wahlroos (born 10 October 1952 in Helsinki) is the chairman of the Board in Sampo Group, Nordea and UPM-Kymmene.
- Björn Dixgård
Björn Hans-Erik Dixgård (born 8 May 1981) is a Swedish musician (vocals, guitar).
- Björn Strid
Björn Ove Ingemar "Speed" Strid (born 10 September 1978) is a Swedish vocalist who has worked with bands such as I Legion, Disarmonia Mundi, Terror 2000, Coldseed, The Night Flight Orchestra and most notably Soilwork.
- Björn Gelotte
Björn Gelotte is a songwriter and lead guitarist for the Swedish band In Flames.
- Björn Andersson
Björn Andersson (born 20 July 1951) is a former Swedish footballer from Markaryd who played for Bayern Munich and was part of their European Cup victory in 1975.
- Björn Gustafsson
Lars Björn Gustafsson (born 19 February 1986) is a Swedish comedian and actor.
- Björn Kopplin
Björn Kopplin (born 7 January 1989) is a German footballer who plays as a right back for Randers FC.
- Björn Larsson
Björn Larsson (born May 12, 1975) is a Swedish game director, executive producer and game designer.
- Björn Gustafson
Björn Herman Leonard Gustafson (born 30 November 1934) is a Swedish actor.
- Björn Werner
Björn Werner (German pronunciation: [bjœʁn ˈvɛʁnɐ]) (born August 30, 1990) is a German-born former American football defensive end.
- Björn Engels
Björn Lionel G. Engels (born 15 September 1994) is a Belgian professional footballer who plays as a centre back for Premier League club Aston Villa.
- Björn Frantzén
Björn Frantzén (born 26 January 1977) is a chef and former footballer.
- Björn Hellkvist
Björn Hellkvist (born 3 January 1977) is a former ice hockey player and coach.
- Björn Höcke
Björn Höcke (born 1 April 1972) is a fascist German politician and a member of Alternative for Germany (AfD).
- Björn Freiberg
Björn Freiberg (born 28 March 1970 in Isny im Allgäu) is a German actor, painter, author, translator and former University teacher.
- Björn Goop
Björn Olov Goop, (born October 13, 1976 in Mölndal), is a Swedish trotting trainer and driver.
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Björn Numerology: Name Björn has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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