What does the name Birk mean? What is the meaning of the name Birk
Meaning of Birk: Name Birk in the English, United States origin, means Place Name; Where Birch Trees Grow; From the Fortified Settlement; From a Birch Tree; Bright; Shining. Name Birk is of English, United States origin and is a Boy name. People with name Birk are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Birk (Namesakes)
- Matt Birk
Matthew Robert "Matt" Birk (born July 23, 1976) is a former American football center.
- Raye Birk
Raye Birk (born May 27, 1943, Flint, Michigan) is an American film and television actor best known for playing the role of Pahpshmir in the first and last of the Naked Gun movies.
- Birk Anders
Birk Anders (born 3 November 1967) is a former East German biathlete.
- Graham Birks
Graham Birks (born 25 January 1942) is an English former footballer who played as a full back.
- Ashley Birks
Ashley Adam Birks (born 19 October 1990) in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England is a former speedway rider in the United Kingdom, who rode with the Scunthorpe Scorpions in the Premier League and Swindon Robins in the Elite League.
A former motocross rider, Birks chose to take up speedway when serious injuries brought his motocross career to a premature end. - Thomas Birk
Thomas Birk (born 5 July 1988) is a German professional footballer who plays for Racing FC as a defender.
- Birk Risa
Birk Risa (born 13 February 1998) is a Norwegian footballer who plays as a midfielder for Odd.
- Laurie Birks
Laurie Birks (born 7 January 1928) was an Australian boxer.
- Birk Ruud
Birk Ruud (born 2 April 2000) is a Norwegian freestyle skier in halfpipe, slopestyle and big air.
- Jocelynn Birks
Jocelynn Birks (born August 21, 1993 in Willow Springs, Illinois) is an American volleyball player who plays in the German Women's Volleyball League.
- Carsten Birk
Carsten Birk (born 1 October 1977) is a German former professional footballer who played as a defender.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 22
Baby Name Birk Numerology: Name Birk has a number value of 22 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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