What does the name Birger mean? What is the meaning of the name Birger
Meaning of Birger: Name Birger in the Polish origin, means Rescue; To Save; To Help; To Protect. Name Birger is of Polish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Birger are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Birger (Namesakes)
- Birger Madsen
Birger Madsen (born 23 April 1982) is a Norwegian former professional football defender.
- Birger Jensen
Birger Jensen (born 1 March 1951) is a Danish retired footballer, who played in the goalkeeper position.
- Malene Birger
Malene Birger is a Danish fashion designer.
- Birger Larsen (footballer)
Birger Hvirring Larsen (born Ole Hvirring Larsen on March 27, 1942) is a Danish former football player who spent his entire career with Boldklubben Frem.
- Birger Maertens
Birger Maertens (born 28 June 1980) is a Belgian former professional footballer who played as a centre back.
- Birger Pedersen
Birger Lindberg Pedersen, known as Birger Pedersen, (born 29 June 1950) is a Danish former association footballer in the midfielder position, who played 183 games and scored 41 goals for Danish club Hvidovre IF. He played 14 matches for the Denmark national football team, and scored a goal in the 1971 play-off game against Romania helping Denmark qualify for the 1972 Summer Olympics.
- Birger Vestermo
Birger Olaus Vestermo (born 27 February 1930) is a Norwegian cross-country skier from Salangen.
- Birger Verstraete
Birger Verstraete (born 16 April 1994) is a Belgian professional footballer who plays for Bundesliga side 1.
- Birger Jacobsson
Birger "Bigge" Jacobsson (born 17 October 1949) is a former Swedish footballer and football coach.
- Birger Asplund
Karl Birger Asplund (born 21 July 1929) is a retired Swedish hammer thrower.
- Birger Meling
Birger Solberg Meling (born 17 December 1994) is a Norwegian professional footballer who plays as a defender for Rosenborg.
- Birger Andersson
Nils Birger Lennart Andersson (born 26 March 1951) is a former professional tennis player from Sweden.
- Birger Schmidt
Birger Schmidt (born 16 July 1980) is a German lightweight rower.
- Birger Folke
Birger Kjell Herbert Folke (born 3 March 1936) is a former Swedish tennis player and television commentator.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Birger Numerology: Name Birger has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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