What does the name Biljana mean? What is the meaning of the name Biljana
Meaning of Biljana: Name Biljana in the Indian origin, means The name Biljana comes from the Serbian and Croatian origin The name comes from the word 'bilje' meaning plant. Name Biljana is of Indian origin and is a Girl name. People with name Biljana are usually Hindu by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Biljana: The name Biljana comes from the Serbian and Croatian origin The name comes from the word 'bilje' meaning plant
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Famous people with name Biljana (Namesakes)
- Biljana Plavšić
Biljana Plavšić (Serbian Cyrillic: Биљана Плавшић; born 7 July 1930) is a Bosnian Serb convicted war criminal and retired politician who served as president of Republika Srpska.
- Biljana Srbljanović
Biljana Srbljanović (Serbian pronunciation: [bǐʎana sr̩bʎǎːnoʋitɕ]; Serbian Cyrillic: Биљана Србљановић; born 15 October 1970) is a Serbian playwright.
- Biljana Golić
Biljana "Biba" Golić (Serbian Cyrillic: Биљана "Биба" Голић) (born 9 November 1977) is a Serbian table tennis player.
- Biljana Topić
Biljana Topić née Mitrović, (Serbian Cyrillic: Биљана Топић, born on October 17, 1977 in Šabac, Yugoslavia, now Serbia) is a retired Serbian triple jumper.
- Biljana Pawlowa-Dimitrova
Biljana Pawlowa-Dimitrova (Bulgarian: Биляна Павлова-Димитрова; born 20 January 1978) is a Bulgarian former professional tennis player.
- Biljana Crvenkoska
Biljana Crvenkoska (Macedonian: Билјана Црвенкоска) (born 6 September 1983 in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia) is a retired Macedonian handball player.
- Biljana Majstorović
Biljana Majstorović (born 31 December 1959 in Belgrade) is a former basketball player who competed for Yugoslavia in the 1980 Summer Olympics and in the 1984 Summer Olympics.
- Biljana Filipović
Biljana Filipović-Bandelier (born 12 January 1986) is a retired Serbian handball player who plays, since December 2018, for French club Toulon Handball and formerly was a member of the Serbian national team.
- Biljana Pavićević (handballer)
Biljana (Pavićević) Novović (Serbian Cyrillic: Биљана (Павићевић) Нововић; born 12 May 1988) is a former Montenegrin handball player for ŽRK Budućnost Podgorica and the Montenegrin national team.
- Biljana Borzan
Biljana Borzan (born 29 November 1971 in Osijek) is a Croatian physician and politician who has been member of the European Parliament for Croatia since 1 July 2013, having been elected to the position at the 2013, 2014 elections and 2019 elections.
- Biljana D. Obradović
Biljana D. Obradović is a Serbian-American poet, critic, translator, and Professor of English who has lived in Yugoslavia, Greece, India and the United States.
- Biljana Pavićević (basketballer)
Biljana Pavićević (Serbian Cyrillic: Биљана Павићевић; born 17 June 1980) is a Montenegrin women's basketball player.
- Biljana Stanković
Biljana Stanković (Serbian Cyrillic: Биљана Станковић; born 11 September 1974 in Vršac, SFR Yugoslavia) is a Serbian basketball coach and former Serbian and Yugoslavian basketball player.
- Biljana Bradić
Biljana Bradić (born 24 April 1991) is a Serbian football forward.
- Biljana Gligorović
The Biljana Gligorovic (born on 31 January 1982 in the town of Pula (Croatia) is a former professional international volleyball player, which is playing as setter.
- Biljana Vraneš
Biljana Vraneš (Serbian Cyrillic: Биљана Вранеш; born 3 February 1999) is a Montenegrin footballer who plays as a midfielder and has appeared for the Montenegro women's national team.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 22
Baby Name Biljana Numerology: Name Biljana has a number value of 22 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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