What does the name Bian mean? What is the meaning of the name Bian
Meaning of Bian: Name Bian in the Vietnamese origin, means Secretive. Name Bian is of Vietnamese origin and is a Girl name. People with name Bian are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Bian (Namesakes)
- Chen Shui-bian
Chen Shui-bian (Chinese: 陳水扁; pinyin: Chén Shuǐbiǎn; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Tân Chúi-píⁿ; born October 12, 1950) is a retired Taiwanese politician and lawyer who served as President of the Republic of China (Taiwan) from 2000 to 2008.
- Bian Hongmin
Bian Hongmin (born September 22, 1989 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang) is a male Chinese volleyball player.
- Bian Lan
Bian Lan (born August 17, 1984) is a retired Chinese basketball player.
- Bian Jun
Bian Jun (simplified Chinese: 卞军; traditional Chinese: 卞軍; pinyin: Biàn Jūn; born 15 July 1977 in Shanghai) is a former Chinese international football player who is predominantly associated with his time at Shanghai Shenhua where he won the 1998 Chinese FA Cup.
- Baru Bian
Baru Bian (born 9 September 1958) is a Malaysian politician. - Bian Paul Šauperl
Bian Paul Šauperl (born 15 April 1995) is a Slovenian football forward who plays for SC Kalsdorf.
- Bian Yuqian
Bian Yuqian (born 14 June 1990) is a Chinese female volleyball player.
- Bian Ka
Bian Ka (卞卡, born 5 January 1993) is a Chinese athlete specialising in the shot put.
- Fang Bian
Fang Bian (Chinese: 方便; pinyin: fāng biàn) is a Chinese Sanshou kickboxer.
- Zhang Bian
Zhang Bian (Chinese: 张变, born 29 August 1986) is a Chinese para table tennis player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Bian Numerology: Name Bian has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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