What does the name Bhatti mean? What is the meaning of the name Bhatti?
Meaning of Bhatti: Name Bhatti in the Indian origin, means Noble; Meritorious; Virtuous; Successful; Praiseworthy; Winning. Name Bhatti is of Indian origin and is a Boy name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Bhatti: Noble; Meritorious; Virtuous; Successful; Praiseworthy; Winning
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Famous people with name Bhatti (Namesakes)
- Abdul Salam Bhatti
Abdul Salam Bhatti (born 14 August 1963) is a Pakistani cricketer who went on to play for Germany.
- Mehdi Hassan Bhatti
Chaudhary Mehdi Hassan Bhatti is a politician from Hafizabad District, Punjab, Pakistan.
- Bilawal Bhatti
Bilawal Bhatti (born 17 September 1991, Burewala) is an international cricketer from Pakistan , primarily utilized as an all-rounder.
- Umar Bhatti
Umar Bhatti (born January 4, 1984) is a Pakistani-born Canadian cricketer.
- Ace Bhatti
Ahsen Rafiq Bhatti (born 13 September 1969), known professionally as Ahsen Bhatti until 2008 and as Ace Bhatti thereafter, is a British actor who trained at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art.
- Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka
Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka (born 1961) is an Indian politician who is the current leader of opposition in Telangana Legislative Assembly.
- Imtiaz Bhatti
Imtiaz Bhatti born (18 April 1933) in Gujrat, British India is a cyclist and a former Air Force pilot of Pakistan.
- Zulfiqar Ali Bhatti
Zulfiqar Ali Bhatti (Urdu: ذوالفقار علی بھٹی; born 1 October 1963) is a Pakistani politician who was a member of the National Assembly of Pakistan from August 2018 to February 2019.
- Omer Bhatti
Omer Michael Bhatti (born June 14, 1984), better known by his stage name O-Bee, is a Norwegian rapper and dancer.
- Adil Bhatti
Adil Bhatti (born October 28, 1984) is an American cricketer.
- Fouzia Bhatti
- Waseem Bhatti
Waseem Ahmed Bhatti (or Wasim; born 10 March 1978) is a French cricketer of Pakistani origin.
- Rasheed Bhatti
Rasheed Bhatti (born 2 May 1952) is a Pakistani former first-class cricketer who played for Lahore cricket team.
- Kashif Bhatti
Kashif Bhatti (born 25 July 1986) is a Pakistani cricketer who plays for Hyderabad cricket team.
- Sajid Mehmood Bhatti
Sajid Mahmood Bhatti (born 16 April 1963) better known as Sajid Bhatti is a Pakistani politician.
- Jamie Bhatti
- Ajaib Singh Bhatti
Ajaib Singh Bhatti is the deputy speaker of the Punjab Legislative Assembly.
- Saqib Bhatti
Mohammad Saqib Bhatti MBE MP (born 18 June 1985) is a British Conservative Party politician who has been the Member of Parliament (MP) for Meriden since the 2019 general election.
He graduated in 2007 with a degree in law from the London School of Economics and Political Science.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Bhatti Numerology: Name Bhatti has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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