Bharani Nakshatra Baby Names with Meanings
Expecting a baby is just the beginning of expecting some of the life's most cherished moments. Congratulations on this beautiful journey!
Looking for the perfect Bharani Nakshatra baby name? Welcome to The ParentZ complete list of Bharani Nakshatra Baby names. Thanks for choosing us, The ParentZ Baby Name Finder, Largest Baby names list, to find Bharani Nakshatra names with meanings for your newborn or expected baby. At, we understand requirements of parents when it comes to naming their newborn baby .
This collection has all Bharani Nakshatra Baby Names - traditional, modern,religious, trendy, popular, cute, short and sweet and easy to pronounce Bharani Nakshatra baby names to help you make the right choice!
You can view all Bharani Nakshatra baby names alphabetically with their meanings and filter them through various options. Click on any baby name for more details and meanings.
Bharani Nakshatra Baby Names for Boys and Girls
Name | Gender | Meaning |
Unisex | Chinesee word for joy | |
Girl | Person who brings good news | |
Girl | Beautiful woman | |
Boy | Norse word for Heir | |
Girl | Nameday of Latvian festival day | |
Girl | Weary, tired person | |
Girl | Biblical name,Jacob's first wife | |
Girl | A mistress or a ruler of an empire | |
Girl | Characteristic and quality | |
Girl | Faithful, loyal person | |
Girl | Describes someone who is faithful, loyal | |
Girl | From the meadow land; Pasture ground. | |
Girl | An eternal beauty of the night | |
Boy | Man of the Valley | |
Boy | Rare given name meaning dear man | |
Boy | Name describing one who serves John | |
Girl | Servant of Jonh | |
Boy | Lion, Lionlike man | |
Girl | Lioness | |
Boy | The one than is like a Lion | |
Boy | Lionlike person | |
Boy | Lion. Latin name describing Lionlike preson | |
Girl | She who is in service of John | |
Girl | Servant of Jonh | |
Girl | From Gaelic name Helen meaning beautiful, light woman |