What does the name Bettina mean? What is the meaning of the name Bettina
Meaning of Bettina: Name Bettina in the Hebrew, German origin, means Consecrated To God. Name Bettina is of Hebrew, German origin and is a Girl name. People with name Bettina are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Bettina (Namesakes)
- Bettina Trabert
Bettina Trabert (born 4 March 1969), is a Canadian-German Woman International Grandmaster (WGM, 2000).
- Bettina Aptheker
Bettina Fay Aptheker (born September 13, 1944) is an American political activist, radical feminist, professor and author.
- Bettina Arndt
Bettina Mary Arndt (born 1 August 1949) is an Australian writer and commentator who specialises in sex and gender issues.
- Bettina Heim
Bettina Heim (born July 2, 1989) is a Swiss former competitive figure skater.
- Bettina Bush
Bettina Nicole Bush (born November 5, 1973), also known professionally under the mononym Bettina, is an American voice actress, actress and pop music singer.
- Bettina Geysen
Bettina Geysen (born 17 July 1969) has been president of Spirit, a Flemish political party, since 2007.
- Bettina Soriat
Bettina Soriat (born 16 March 1967, Linz) is an Austrian singer.
- Bettina Gruber
Bettina Gruber (born 31 January 1985) is a Swiss cross-country skier who competed between 2002 and 2016.
- Bettina Fulco
Bettina Fulco (born 23 October 1968) is a retired professional women's tennis player from Argentina.
- Bettina Wulff
Bettina Wulff (née Körner; 25 October 1973) is the wife of the former German President Christian Wulff and was therefore sometimes referred to by the media as the "First Lady" during her husband's presidency.
- Bettina Pásztor
Bettina Horváth-Pásztor (born 1 December 1992, in Fehérgyarmat) is a Hungarian handball goalkeeper who plays for Kisvárdai KC. She made her senior debut on 2 September 2010 against UKSE Szekszárd.
- Bettina Dajka
Bettina Dajka (born 2 October 1990 in Miskolc) is a Hungarian handballer who plays for Kisvárdai KC in middle back position.
- Bettina Carlos
Bettina Carlos (born December 25, 1987 in Makati City, Philippines) is a Filipina actress and television host.
- Bettina Zimmermann
Bettina Zimmermann (born 31 March 1975) is a German model and actress.
- Bettina Gaus
Bettina Gaus (born 5 December 1956 in Munich, Bavaria) is a German journalist.
- Bettina Lotsch
Bettina Valeska Lotsch (born 7 September 1977 in Frankenthal (Pfalz)) is a German chemist.
- Bettina Villars
Bettina Villars (born 8 July 1964) is a Swiss badminton player.
- Bettina Rausch
Bettina Rausch (born 25 December 1979) is an Austrian politician.
- Bettina Kupfer
Bettina Kupfer (born 19 July 1963) is a German actress and author who has been active since the 1980s.
- Bettina Honore
Bettina Honore (born 7 April 1971) is a Danish former windsurfer, who specialized in the RS:X class.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Bettina Numerology: Name Bettina has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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