What does the name Bernal mean? What is the meaning of the name Bernal
Meaning of Bernal: Name Bernal in the French, Spanish origin, means Strong Bear. Name Bernal is of French, Spanish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Bernal are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Bernal (Namesakes)
- Gael García Bernal
Gael García Bernal (Spanish pronunciation: [ɡaˈel ɣaɾˈsi.a βeɾˈnal]; born 30 November 1978) is a Mexican actor and producer.
- David Bernal
David "Elsewhere" Bernal (born August 2, 1979) is an illusionary dancer from Santa Ana, California.
- Gabriel Bernal
Gabriel Bernal (24 March 1956-June 12, 2014) was a Mexican boxer.
- Sergio Bernal
Sergio Arturo Bernal Hernández also known as "El Puma Mayor" (The Eldest Puma) (born 9 February 1970) is a retired Mexican footballer who played as a goalkeeper.
- Andy Bernal
- Lorena Bernal
Lorena Bernal Pascual (born 12 May 1981) is an Argentine-Spanish actress, television host, and model.
- Jorge Bernal
Jorge Bernal Alarcón (born October 24, 1979 in Veracruz, Veracruz) is a Mexican footballer who plays as a goalkeeper with Delfines F.C..
- Joyce E. Bernal
Joyce E. Bernal (born May 6, 1968) is a Filipina film and television director in the Philippines who started as a film editor for Viva Films in 1994.
- Freddy Bernal
Freddy Alirio Bernal Rosales is the ex-mayor (2004–2008) of the Libertador Municipality in Caracas, Venezuela and a member of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV).
- Renata Bernal
Renata Bernal (born February 3, 1937, in Munich, (Germany)) is a contemporary American artist.
- Steve Bernal
Steve Bernal is a retired American soccer player who played professionally in the USL A-League.
- Álex Bernal
Alejandro 'Álex' Bernal Carreras (born 3 March 1991) is a Spanish footballer who plays for Marbella as a central midfielder.
- Juan Manuel Bernal
Juan Manuel Bernal (born as Juan Manuel Bernal Chávez on December 22, 1967 in Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico), is a Mexican actor.
- Kris Bernal
Kristine Ann Bernal (born May 17, 1989) is a Filipina actress who became known for winning in the fourth season of the reality-based talent search StarStruck of GMA Network.
- Egan Bernal
Egan Arley Bernal Gómez (born 13 January 1997) is a Colombian cyclist, who currently rides for UCI WorldTeam Team Ineos.
- Óscar Bernal
Óscar Antonio Bernal López (born September 28, 1995), known as Óscar Bernal, is a Mexican professional football player who plays for La Equidad on loan from Santos Laguna.
- Patricia Bernal
Patricia Bernal (born 27 October 1961) is a Mexican actress.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Bernal Numerology: Name Bernal has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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