What does the name Berend mean? What is the meaning of the name Berend?
Meaning of Berend: Name Berend in the English, German origin, means Bear Brave; Brave Like a Bear. Name Berend is of English, German origin and is a Boy name. People with name Berend are usually Christianity by religion.
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SISTERS: Sibling Sister names for Berend
BROTHERS: Sibling Brother names for Berend
Famous people with name Berend (Namesakes)
- Berend Westdijk
Berend Westdijk (born March 5, 1985 in The Hague) is a Netherlands cricketer.
- Berend Weijs
Berend Weijs (born 15 December 1988) is a Dutch retired basketball player.
- Berend-Jan van Voorst tot Voorst
Baron Berend-Jan Marie van Voorst tot Voorst (born 7 February 1944) is a retired Dutch politician and diplomat of the Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA) party and jurist.
Van Voorst tot Voorst worked as a civil servant for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from July 1968 until September 1972 and as a diplomat for the Directorate-General for External Relations of the European Commission in Brussels from September 1972 until May 1985.
- Berend Veneberg
Berend Veneberg (born 5 November 1963 in Den Ham) is a former strongman and powerlifter from the Netherlands.
- Berend Koekemoer
Berend Koekemoer (born 12 June 1995) is a male South African sprinter specialising in the 400 metres.
- Ben Berend
Ben Berend (born 29 June 1995) is an American Nordic combined skier.
- Berend Brummelman
Berend Brummelman (born 2 January 1943) is a Dutch rower.
- Elvira Berend
Elvira Berend (born 19 September 1965), née Sakhatova, is a Kazakhstan born Luxembourg Woman Grandmaster (WGM) (1995).
- Berend Schabus
Berend Schabus (born 7 October 1957) is an Austrian speed skater.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Berend Numerology: Name Berend has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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